Chapter 2

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Bad Habits are like a comfortable bed, easy to get into, but hard to get out of -Anonymous

When I opened my eyes, I noticed I was back in my bedroom. My alarm read 11:00 a.m. I picked up my phone and the date said it was Friday, July 17. I looked down and I was wearing the same clothes I had on yesterday. Then I remembered the accident. I hit a tree last night swerving to miss a deer. But how the hell did I get home? My head was pounding and to make matters worse my next thoughts were how bad the damage to my car was.

I picked up my phone to call Tyler.

"How bad is it?" I asked him.

"How bad is what?"

"My car," I said impatiently.

"Tatum, what are you talking about?" he sounded genuinely confused.

"I hit a tree on the way to your house last night."

"You did? That sucks, how bad?"

"Tyler, you were there." At least, I think he was?

"No, I wasn't."

Now I was confused and my headache was getting worse. My brother wouldn't joke with me about something like this. "Wait, hold on a sec," I told him and went outside to check my car. Nothing. Not one single scratch and his products were still secure in the front seat.

Relieved and a little puzzled, I put the phone back up to my ear, "Huh, sorry, it must have been a dream," I said even though I could have sworn it was real.

"Dude, Tay, stop smoking crack and you won't have crazy ass dreams."

I rolled my eyes at him even though he couldn't see me do it. "Shut up, Tyler."

"Where's my stuff?" he asked.

"I have it. I'll leave it on the kitchen table and you can get it whenever."

"Alright, see ya."


"Hey, Tay," Tyler said before I hung up.


"Don't worry about the dream. I'm sure it was nothing."

"Thanks, Ty." I ended the call on my phone and headed back into the house. I still couldn't shake the weird dream. Eventually, I let it go. It wasn't the first time I had a bizarre dream that freaked me out and it turned out to be nothing.

By the time I got to work the dream was forgotten and I was feeling better. "You ready for tonight?" Peyton asked as I walked into the salon.

"Yes, I am." And I was. I needed a night out.

"Who's all coming out?" she asked.

I had to think about it for a second. "Nate and Kelly, of course, Jessie and maybe Alex. I'm not sure who else you'll have to ask Nate."

"You still are driving, right?"

"Yes," I told her on my way to check my schedule. I had a busy night tonight which was good. My first client was another one of my regulars, Janelle. I started doing her hair about a year ago and kind of became friends in the process.

"Yo girl, what's up?" Janelle said, walking to my chair.

"Not much, what we doin'?" I replied.

"The usual."

"Alright, c'mon, let's go wash your stinky ass hair." I scrunched my nose.

She shrugged. "It is pretty stinky. I haven't washed it in a week."

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