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(Perry's POV)

It wasn't really him, that I know for sure. Abraham Portman was not only one of the most bravest peculiar that my grandfather had the privilege to befriend, he was old.

He should of been in his seventies or eighties by now. And the only reason why I thought that this stranger was Abraham was because of the pictures that Emma showed me through the years. I basically had his face memorized through the years.

Plus, I may or may not had a massive crush on Mr. Portman senior during my toddler years.

So here's what happened, I was 4 years old and my parents along with my grandfather have been telling me stories about our peculiar history and of they're hunting trips before I was born.

Mom and dad told me about the happy ones, while Grandpapa Murphy told me about the hunting ones. He even showed me some of the pictures in his hunting days before he settled down with Nana Lucy.

There was one photo that intrigue me so much, It was of Abraham Portman holding a gun, my grandfather told me that he was being taught o how to shoot a gun properly by Abraham.

There was one photo that intrigue me so much, It was of Abraham Portman holding a gun, my grandfather told me that he was being taught o how to shoot a gun properly by Abraham

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Seeing that picture made me feel uneasy, but also gave me the idea of asking my parents of how to shoot a gun. They were horrified at first but then asked why I would want to learn such a thing like that. I told them that I wanted to learn to protect my family like how grandpapa and dad did.

There was also another picture that 4 years old me had kept. This photo had Abraham Portman gazing at the ocean on a cliff in a camp that was located in one of the islands of Wales.

That's when my crush had started

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That's when my crush had started. I took the photo from my grandfather's box that was hidden under his bed and kept it under my pillow. Little me had thought that if I kept the photo close by in my sleep, I would have dreams of Abraham riding me into the sunset in a unicorn that's made entirely out of butter scotch.

Yeah. . . 4 year old me had a very, very  imaginative brain.

I shook my thoughts away when Kev started talking.

"PJ, don't just stand there," He took my arm and basically pushed me in front of the American travelers "Say hello to our guest."

"Hi." I said timidly as I force a small smile on my face.

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