He's in a band?

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At school the next day,Calum tries to catch up to me in he hallway but I dont let him.I quickly walk into biology class, and take a seat. I put my bookbag in the seat next to me just in case he wants to sit there. We may have watched a movie, and eaten nutella the other day, but we werent friends. In fact we werent even close to friends, even though thats what he wants us to be. I still havent fully forgiven him yet. People call me stubborn, but I'm just not one to forgive someone just because they say theyre sorry. This isnt kindergarden anymore. As Calum walks into the classroom he attempts to sit  next to me. "Is anyone sitting here?" he asks giving me that adorable grin. "Yep."I say, continuing with my classwork, and lab. "You have to have a partner."he says. I roll my eyes, and continue working. Eventually he walks away after the teacher threatens to give him detention for disrupting class. Calum sits with Lauren, a bubbly, pretty, girl in our class. I groan as they begin to flirt. I'm not jealous just annoyed by how thirsty people can be at times. I chew a piece of my long brown hair, as i try to concentrate. I know it's gross, but its what i do when I'm really concentrating on something. I notice that Calum glances back at me every two minutes as he flirts with Lauren. Ew is he trying to ,make me jealous? Not working.

When the bell rings I try to get a head start before Calum can find me in the crowded hallway. This time he catches up to me. "So, how was science?"I ask. Calum chuckles. I push up my annoying glasses that are again on the bridge of my nose. "Great." he says winking at me. "You looked cute all concentrated like that, and chewing your hair." he says before nudging me in the shoulder playfully. I walk swiftly down the hallway. "Hey Sky wait up!" says Calum. I turn around and yell back,"If you want a flirt buddy, go to Lauren, not me."I say. He frowns. "But youre not my flirt buddy, your my nutella buddy!"he yells out. A couple of people start to stare. I walk down to my next class, and dont look back, even when i hear Calum call my name again.

When the bell rings for lunch, I head straight to the music room. Instead of stuffing my face with disgusting food in a loud, crowded lunch room, I'd much rather practice guitar,and jot down a bit more lyrics to the song i wrote. I need a catchy riff. As i head down the hallway towards the music room, i hear singing,and guitar riffs, and laughing coming from the inside of the music room. I peek in to see who it could be. I'm suprised to see Calum, and three other boys around our age singing, and practicing some song, I've never heard before. They all sing incredible, including Calum. I'd never heard him sing like that. One of the boys was a tall blonde with piercing blue eyes, another at least a year older with dimples, and curly brown hair, and the last, a boy with blue dyed hair, who I've seen around. He probably dyes his hair a different color every other week. Theyre all attractive. They can all sing. Are they in a band, or are they just fooling around? I'm not sure, and I'm most definitley not going to ask. Are they the people who created the bet? I walk outside to clear my head. I have a few questions to ask Calum, and they better be anwsered.

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