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Hey guys, sorry everything is taking so long. not that anyone really cares, but thats ok. If anyone likes this, it would be really cool if yall left a comment, it would definatly be vey motivational....so, ya....hope yall like it... cool....this just go awkwerd real fast.


      It was nice, until i realize I am hugging a COMPLETE STRANGER!!!! I immediately go stiff feeling uncomfortable. I laugh and awkwardly pat his back.

"Uuummmm we better go inside, I don't want to be late, then she might actually stand us up in front of the class."

"yeah" he said rubbing the back of his neck "i really don't want that."

I reach for the door. Well this is just one big ball of awkward, and all i could think was, ugh, I JUST HUGGED A POPULAR!!!

             We slip through the door thankful that Mrs. loren is late herself. I walk to the back dodging around people and jumping over backpacks. Throwing my backpack on the table I fell into a chair thankful that I could relax.

               looked up to see Archer having some trouble getting past a couple who were canoodling in the isle. I sigh and get up.

"OK, brake it up you two!" i say clapping my hands. Grabbing his hand I dragg Archer past them. He sits down with a Huff and i just stand there half laughing half smirking down at him.

"what?" He says looking up.

"could you really not figure out how to get past them?"

"I can push through people, but when it comes to PDA, it makes me feel really awkward. "he says with a shudder

"Im the same way! I just suck it up now if I want to get any where in this school."

                  OK, so he has enough class to not canoodle that much in front of other people. Point two for pretty boy.

"Sorry Im late class, I had to pick up my daughter, she is sick. I can't leave her at home alone so I have to go, but yall stay here and answer the questions in the packet I gave yall yesterday. Holly's in charge, if you have any questions ask her." Mrs Loren said running around grabbing her purse and sweater and flying out of the room.

                 Everyone turns and faces me, making me feel awkward. WHAT IS WITH TODAY BEING SO DAMN AWKWARD! "ok" I whisper to no one in particular. I pull my binder out of my back pack and walk up to the front of the class. i sit down on a stool at the podium.

"there are only ten questions, we can either do them individually or we can work together and get them done quickly and just hangout for the rest of class.

They all  just look at me like i was crazy. then went back to talking.

jeez these kids are lazy.

"There's a pop quiz tomorrow, and I have the answers"

the whole room went silent, and looked at me.

"Ill give you the answers if yall work and get your questions done"

"But the questions are so hard" i hear a whiny voice say.

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"you don't have to do it, but if you don't, i won't give you the answers"

she 'humphs' which came out more like a squawk.

her voice is just sooo damn annoying              

                 The class quickly jumps on the questions. I don't think I have ever seen so many kids this excited about doing work. heck i don't think I have ever seen anyone so excited about doing work. if these are the people who will be running our country in a few years we are SO screwed.

                 i wave my hand motioning for Archer to come up to the front. he walks up to the front with a confused look on his face.

"your just going to give them the answers?"

"well kinda, not exactly"

"but didn't you say you were going to, isn't that lying?"

poor kid, he looks helplessly confused.

"Just wait, you will see. now copy this down" I said sliding my sheet with questions towards him. he took it and starts writing everything down with out a question.

(30 minutes later)

"Is everyone finished?" I yell

"yep" a collective response

"good" i said hopping up and heading for the door.

"wait you said you would give us the answer's" the annoying voice said again. Jeeze why didn't she spend her money on a new voice instead of a new nose.

i turn around with a sigh "you already had the answers, what do you think yall have been doing all of class."

"you tricked us" squeeky voice says.

i really need to buy earplugs if i'm going to be around her.

I just smile and said "ya" and walk out with Archer trailing behind me.


"i'm so glad its lunch." Archer says as we put our books in our lockers. which just "happens" to be right next to each other.

"come on" I say threading my arm through his. "ill show you where I like to sit."

I practically drag archer across the school out to the field. This had always been my favorite place since I first found it last year.

"were are we going?" Archer whines

"oh cool it, were almost there."

I pull him around the corner towards the old tool shed.

"were here"

He looks dumbstruck "a tool shed, and ugly old tool shed?"

I reach over and push on the door. His eyes become wide, and I swear his jaw hits the floor. i was hoping he would do something like that.

saved by a rogue (wearwolf love story)Where stories live. Discover now