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Percy's POV:

"Aren't you exited to be starting school again? I know its not your favorite thing but don't you think its kind of a sign of everything going back to normal?" My mom smiled at me. I wanted to tell her that no, I am not exited to be starting school. I wanted to tell her I'd rather have my toenails pulled out than go to school. I wanted to tell her that nothing would ever be normal again. Because the Percy Jackson she'd lost wasn't the Percy Jackson she'd gotten back. No matter how hard I tried to deny it it was true. I never should have come. I should have made Chiron tell her I was dead. All that's going to come of this is hurt. Hurting my mom, hurting Paul, hurting Annabeth by not being there for her. All I ever bring is hurt. I shouldn't have come.

"Percy?" Mom asked, "What are you thinking about?" When I didn't respond right away she continued, "You know, when you were gone I thought you might never come home. Our lives have never been easy, and in the last few years I've not been in yours as much as I wish I could've been. I'm not going to pretend I know everything that you've gone through, all the things with your father." She paused for a moment, "But Percy, I need you to know this. I'm so, so glad you came home. Because I couldn't have lived with myself if anything had happened to you."

My throat was thick with tears I was determined not to shed.  "Thank you mom, I'm just your here for me to come home to.'

"Oh Percy, I'll always be here for you."

I nodded wordlessly and fled upstairs.

That was kind of its own section but 264 words isn't enough for a chapter, so just pretend this is a new chapter of its very own.

Peter's POV:

When Mrs. Jackson called I was surprised. When she asked me to walk with Percy to school I really had no choice but to say yes. But to come with me he'd have to keep up. "Does Percy have a skateboard?" I asked.

"Does he have one." Mrs. Jackson sounded like the last thing she wanted was Percy on a skateboard, "Yes. He does have a skateboard." She sighed.

"Is he any good?" I questioned.

"Before the whole thing with his father I couldn't get him off that cursed thing."

"Well that's the best way to get to school. Only way to get there on time. I'll be out front at 6:35 if you want."

"Thank you very much Peter." I could hear her relief over the phone.

"Its no problem." I smiled, but had to hang up quickly. There was a reason why I'd been so motivated to finish my homework. Tonight I'm supposed to meet the Avengers at the tower named for them. Its a long story- including jail cells, drug lords, guns, near-deadly wounds, more jail cells, and uncomfortable questions. Lots of fun.  Anyway, all that lead to the government finding out about me. Not exactly what I was aiming for. But luckily one of the near-deadly wounds turned out to be a wounded Avenger. So the fed's owed me a favor. Now I just have to check in with the Avengers once in a while (cool!) and, if ever necessary, fight with them (even cooler!). So yeah, that turned out pretty well for me.

My skateboard looked down at me enticingly. I didn't have to leave for 20 minutes. But all that was waiting for me here was homework. And don't you think that a top secret meeting with superheroes sounds more exiting than homework? So I picked up my board, called out goodbye to my Aunt May and headed off.

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