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Peter's POV:

After I get home I start on my history homework. Normally it would only take me about an hour, but I cant concentrate. I keep thinking about the boy Percy. He doesn't seem like a mean guy. In fact it seemed like he felt guilty about not contacting his mom. Maybe he had a legitimate reason. Hopefully we'll meet up again sometime and we'll get along better. Tomorrow, today he and his mom and dad are probably catching up. Wait, Paul's not his dad. I don't know who his dad is. Sally was married before Paul but I don't think that guy was Percy's dad either. The history paper stares up at me accusingly. Pondering over Percy's heritage wont tell me anything. So Greek mythology it is. Like that'll ever help me. 

I'm just getting into that zone where you're actually getting stuff done. The paper seems to be writing itself, gods and goddesses spring to life beneath my pen. The world is divided between the three brothers. Zeus's bolt rams into the earth, Poseidon's trident sends waves crashing over the land, claiming it for his own. Olympus is in uproar over the golden apples.  It all appears on my paper.  I'm really into it when a knock on the front door makes me jump to my feet.

When I open the door its Sally, Paul and a very reluctant looking Percy. "Hello Peter, I hope we're not interrupting." Sally asks.

"Oh, no, of course not." I stutter, unsure what I'm supposed to do next, "Um, would you like to come in?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you Peter." Sally sends Percy a stern look.

"Oh, um, I just wanted to say that maybe we should hangout some time or something..."

The line was obviously fed to him by his mom, but at least he came. His eyes plead with me to say yes. So I oblige, "Sure, that sounds like a fine idea."

"Are you busy right now?"

"Um, I was just working on some homework."

Sally smirks at her son, "You remember what that is, right?"

"Yeah, a method of torturing poor students who work all insanely hard all day and then are sent home to inflict more pain on themselves using this thing you call homework." Percy replies.

"You know Percy teachers main goal in life isn't actually to cause you pain." Paul grins.

"I would disagree on that point on the bases of Ms. Dods and Dr. Thorn."

"They don't count!" Sally argued.

"Why not? They were teachers!"

"No they weren't"

"Um, Ms. Dodds taught me prealgebra for months."

"Yes, but was she a teacher?"

"As far as anyone else was concerned."

"Just saying, as far as anyone else is concerned she doesn't exist."

"That's unfair!"

"Um..." I mutter, because they seem to have forgotten I was here.

"Oh, sorry Peter." Sally looks a little flustered.

"No Problem." I smile.

"So, do you think you could show Percy around the neighborhood?"

"Oh I don't know..." I start at the same time as Percy says,

"Do you think that's a good idea, mom?"

"Sweetie, you need to make friends."

"I have friends!"

"Annabeth is lovely, but did you get along with any of the other kids?"

"Yeah! Me and Jason have a bunch in common, Pipers like a sister to me, Frank and I get along really well, me and Leo got along great and Hazel is the sweetest person I've ever met not even counting the others at camp"

"I recall you saying something about friction between you and Jason, Frank being hard to connect to, Piper always being wit Jason and Hazel being very young and old fashioned."

"That still leaves Leo!"

"Isn't he missing?" His mom asked gently.  

"Leo is fine! He just needed a break. He'll come back when he's ready. He's fine. He's got to be fine. He's Leo."

But his eyes are filled with something. He turns toward the door, "I'm going for a walk."

"I'll tag along, show you the area." I suggest.

He turns, giving me a tight smile, "Don't bother, I have a good sense of direction."

"Its no problem, really." I assure him.

"Let Peter come, Percy. It'll make me feel better." His mom begs.

"I'm a big boy. I don't need a babysitter." Percy growls. His mother steps back, shocked.

"Percy?" Paul says, confusion in his voice.

"I'm sorry," Percy gasps, "I just need to be alone."

"Go ahead. Disappear for another year without contacting me. Leave me here wondering whether or not my son will come home this time." Sally sobs.

'Mom, you know that's not how it is." Percy responds, her words had obviously hit a nerve though.

"Then how is it?"

"You know I don't have a choice!"

"They're are others!"

"You know it had to be me! Not because I wanted it but because of the-" He suddenly sees me, "We're not doing this here. You know what, we're not doing this at all. Your right, I was inconsiderate. I did just disappear for a really long time. I have no right to leave again so soon, even if I planned to come right back. I'm sorry."

This only serves to make his mom look more upset, "Go for your walk with Peter, ok?"

"Yes mom" Percy mumbles, trying to make up for his outburst.

He opens the door motioning for me to go first. Sally and Paul follow me and so does Percy. I cant help but wonder who those people are, and why he was missing for so long and what they couldn't discus in front of me. What could cause a person to disappear for a whole year? But I don't ask, I just walk, trusting Percy to follow.

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