Chapter 11

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"Pumpkin!" I heard Beca scold. I was still in bed.
"Those are my slippers not your chew toys!" Beca continued. I laughed. Pumpkin always chews Beca's slippers because they're small enough to fit in her mouth.
Beca marched into my room holding up her slippers.
"I found these in your precious little puppy's mouth!" She said. Sometimes she acted like she hated the dog, but in reality, she loved Pumpkin.
"Come here." I said in a serious tone.
She came and sat on the bed. She looked at my suspiciously.
"Are you ready for another kid?" I asked. We had had Pumpkin for about a year and had gotten married six months ago.
"I love you Baby, but I really don't know." She said.
"Why? We already have Peyton." I said becoming frustrated.
"I know." She said softly.
"Why are you so scared?" I asked.
"I don't know, I feel bad that I can't do anything." Beca said.
"It's fine. I would be happy to have another baby." I said. Deep down, I was just as scared as Beca.
"Are you sure? Baby, maybe we should just adopt." She said. I think she could sense my fear.
Beca's POV
I could tell she was scared. I don't want to force her to do something she doesn't want to do.
"I'm sure I can do it." She said. She wasn't fooling me.
"Chloe, don't lie." I said and looked her right in the eye.
"How are you so good at that?" She said, frustrated.
"It's a gift." I said.
Chloe's an awful lier. She can't even tell the waiter her food is perfect when it isn't. They just stare at her and ask if they can bring her something else. It's adorable and I love that I can always make sure she's telling the truth. That's one of the biggest reasons I was so shocked she had been able to keep having a daughter a secret for so long.
"Boy or girl?" She asked me, her blue eyes filled with relief.
"I don't know." I said jumping on the bed next to her.
"I want another little girl." She said.
"Why? I think we should have a boy and a girl." I said.
"I have a brother and I always wanted an older sister to talk to." Chloe said. She had a point.
"I guess your right. Plus a boy wouldn't want to grow up in a house full of girls." I said and laughed. I lied down and rolled towards Chloe. She put her arm around me and kissed my head.
"I love you so much." She said.
We lied there for a long time. I could have stayed there forever. I loved the feeling of Chloe's arm around me. I knew she'd always be there for me. I can always count on her.
Chloe got up.
"Where are you going?" I whined.
"Relax I just have to pee." She said and laughed.
She walked to the bathroom and I decided to hide so I could scream her when she was done.
I tiptoed to the closet near the bathroom. I closed the door until I could only see through narrow crack. I looked through the crack and waited for the victim.
After a few minutes the door opened and I saw the redhead walking she passed the closet door and I opened it quietly. I ran up and jumped onto her back. To my surprise, she caught me.
"I saw your eye in door." She said and carried me to the bed.
"Really?" I said. I thought for sure I could get her this time.
"Yep. You need a better hiding place." She said and before I could respond, our lips met.
Pumpkin came into the bedroom and started barking. She barks at us whenever we kiss because she thinks we're hurting each other.
I shooed her away and closed the door. Chloe and I were alone.

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