Chapter 8

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Beca's POV
I want to propose to Chloe so bad. We've been dating for five years. I have the perfect ring. I just don't know how to propose. I decided to talk to Peyton.
"Hey Peyton." I said.
"Hi Beca." She said.
"You can't tell anybody, but I'm going to propose to Mommy." I said.
"Really?!" She said. She looked excited.
"Yeah, but I don't know how. Where is Mommy's favorite place?" I asked.
"Mommy likes the park. She used to take me on picnics, but she can't anymore because she's too busy." Peyton said.
A picnic, perfect!
The next day, I packed a picnic basket with Chloe's favorite foods and we left for the park. We decided to leave Peyton with Aubrey.
When we arrived, Chloe went into a different world.
"Look!" She said.
I followed her gaze to a beautiful waterfall.
"It's beautiful." I said.
"My parents used to take me here. We'd go on picnics and swim in the pond." She said.
Chloe's parents had died in an awful car crash when Chloe was eleven. She and her brother ended up living with her aunt.
I parked the car and she got out. I sat in the car thinking about what to say, but I decided to get out and set up the picnic.
We were eating when a man and his dog walked by.
"Aww, Becs look!" She said.
I have to admit the dog was cute.
"We should get a dog." She said and sighed.
"Baby? Did you drink too much wine?" I asked.
"Why?" She asked
"You're acting a little strange." I said.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep last night. I had a dream that you and Peyton were in a car crash, and..." she started but couldn't finish.
"And what?" I asked, hoping if she talks about it she'll feel better.
"You two didn't make it." She said and a tear rolled down her cheek.
I wiped away the tear with my finger.
"It's ok. It was just a dream, we're fine see." I motioned to my body.
"I love you." She said.
"I love you two thousand times more." I said.
I got on one knee.
"As a matter of fact, Chloe Marie Beale, will you marry me?" I asked
"Yes!" She yelled.
She pulled me onto the blanket and kissed me.
"Baby we're in public." I said between kisses.
"I don't care." She said.
"Yeah but I do, so let's go home. Peyton's with Aubrey." I said and winked.
"Ok." She said and smiled.
We cleaned up and got in the car. We drove home in silence until Chloe spoke.
"Hey Beca?" She asked.
"Yeah Baby." I said.
"Would you ever want to have a baby?" She asked me.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Would you want to have a baby? To keep Peyton company." She said.
"You mean, like adopt?" I was pretty confused.
"I guess, or you could use a donor. That way it's your baby." She said.
"Chlo, look at my body. Do you think I'd be able to carry a baby?" I said.
About a year ago, I found out that I would never be able to have kids. I honestly never really wanted kids, but since then I'd been thinking that kids wouldn't be that bad. That's why I was so good with Peyton.
"You'd look beautiful with a baby bump." Chloe said, kissing my stomach.
"Chloe! I'm trying to drive!" I yelled. She laughed.
"At least consider it." She said.
"I have nothing to consider." I said. I really wanted Chloe to stop. I didn't want her to find out my secret.
"You have a lot to consider. Having a little mini you running around the house would be awesome." She said.
"Chloe, I can't." I said.
"You can't what?" She didn't get what I was saying.
"I can't have kids." I said.
"You don't want kids? What about Peyton?" Chloe was clueless.
"No Chlo, I would love to have kids, but I can't." I said, I was starting to tear up. Chloe finally got what I was saying. She's kind of slow when it comes to taking hints.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have begged you, I had no idea." She said.
"It's fine." I said.
"We can still adopt." Chloe said.
"How about we get you a dog instead, at least for now." I said.
"Oooh really!" She said. She's like a little kid sometimes.
"Yep." I said. I would do anything to make her happy.

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