Chapter 9

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Chloe's POV
I feel awful that Beca can't have kids. I know I should let it go, but if that was me I would be really upset. Even though I didn't necessarily want to have a baby when I did, I knew some day I would absolutely love to have kids.
I'm so curious about why Beca can't have kids. I know I shouldn't ask her, but the curiosity just kept building up.
"Hey Baby?" I said.
"Yeah." She replied.
"Do you know why you can't have a baby?" I asked.
"Yeah." She said.
"Are you going to tell me?"
She's so stubborn.
"Please." I begged.
"No." She said.
"Pretty please." I begged.
"Fine, but you have to promise me you won't change the way you treat me." She replied.
"I promise!" I said.
"When I was younger, I struggled with anorexia. I never ate, ever. I fed my food to my dog under the table while my mom was looking at her food. She never noticed, until eventually I ended up in the hospital. It was pretty bad. After I was released I ate normally and I thought I would be able to lead a normal life afterwards. Last year, I found out it had an affect on my body and I can't have children." She said. Her voice cracked at the last part.
"I love you." Was all I could say. We drove home in silence.
The next morning I woke up on the floor. I couldn't remember how I got there. I sat up and notice I was naked.
"What the heck?" I whispered.
I stood up and saw Beca sprawled out on the bed. She must've had a nightmare and pushed me off the bed. If that's what happened, then why was I naked? I got dressed and saw the ring on my hand. The memories from the night before came back. The park, Beca's proposal, then one other memory hit me. Beca. She had told me one of her biggest secrets.
I put on some jeans and a shirt. I brushed my teeth, put on some makeup and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I heard a scream from the other room. I ran towards Beca and I's room. Beca was laying on the floor.
"Beca?" I said, holding in my laughter. She was in the exact position I woke up in. Naked, clueless and on the floor.
"Morning Chlo." She said and sat up.
"Oh my God!" She yelled when she saw she was naked.
"It's ok, nothing I've never seen before." I said and laughed.
"Not funny!" She said. It kind of was funny though.
She got dressed and we went downstairs for breakfast. We were sitting at the table when I decided to ask her.
"So you had a really bad nightmare last night." I said. She nearly choked on her cereal.
"How did you know?!" She questioned.
"Well I woke up on the floor, and you were sprawled on the bed." I replied.
"Doesn't mean I had a nightmare." She said.
"Well you're also avoiding eye contact." I said.
"Jeez Beale. What are you, a detective?" She said attempting to change the subject.
"Spill it." I said.
"You'll get mad though." She said.
"I won't if you tell me." I said.
"Well, it was that I had woken up, and you weren't there. You left me a note though. The note said 'You can't have kids and I don't love you anymore.'" She said.
"I don't care that you can't have kids, I will always love you." I said.
She smiled.
I wasn't lying, I will love her until the end of time.

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