1.6: Secret admirer

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"Hi dad." Maria said as she entered Tony's car.

"Hey kiddo." Tony said. "What's up?"

"I got A." she said happily.

"That's my girl." Tony said happy too. "Which subject?" he asked.

"Italian." she said.

"Bravissima ragazza." (Very good.)

"Tu parli l'italiano?" she asked in disbelief. (You speak italian?)

"Naturalmente." he said smiling to his daughter. (Of course.)

"Dad?" she said.

"Yes honey?" he asked.

"Will you help me with science project?" she asked.

"Sure I will." Tony said and gave her a smile at mirror while driving.


"So what is the project about?" Tony asked as he show his workshop to Maria and she was amazed by some robots.

"I have to plant beans on cotton." she said.

"Just that? That's a peace of cake. You don't need workshop for that. You just put beans seed in cotton and water it daily." Tony said.


Then she went to her bedroom to write her homework and Tony went in his office to finish something he started before.

Maria opened her book but something fell on floor. A piece of paper. She opens it and reads what it says.

Dear Maria!
You are beautiful and I like you.

"What's that?" Sarah asked as she saw her reading something.

"Nothing." Maria said and hid it behind her back.

"Let me see." Sarah said and grabbed paper. "A love letter? Secret admirer?"

"Give me that." Maria took it back.

"So who's P?" Sarah asked.

"I don't know." Maria said and exited room.


"Hey guys I'm glad we are all gathered here because I have to announce you good news." Bucky said as they barely accepted to come. Actually just Tony, but anyway.

"What's all this about?" Tony asked annoyed.

"You are invited to first Three B's concert, as VIP guests." he said.

"I don't like bees." Maria said.

"Not bees but letter B like Barnes, Barton and Banner." Bucky explained.

"No thanks, I don't wanna be only person there." Tony added.

"Very funny Stark." Bucky said.

"Thank you for inviting us. We wouldn't miss it for anything." Steve finally spoke.


Steve woke up in the middle of night as all blankets were taken from him. Tony was shaking under all of it. Steve comes closer and hug him from behind.

"Tony." Steve called and Tony sighed. "Tones!" Steve called him.

"Mhm..." Tony murmured in his sleepy voice.

"Honey I think you have fever." Steve said as he touched Tony's forehead.

"I'm fine." Tony said still shaking and half sleeping.

"Take!" Steve said as he gave him thermometer from nightstand on his side of a bed. After few minutes, he heard sound, he took it and Tony had high temperature. He went to bring him hot tea and pill.


"Sorry Buck, we can't go to the concert. I was really looking forward." Steve said putting hand on Bucky's shoulder.

"It's okay." Bucky said not showing a little dissapointment.

"I can go alone." Sarah suggested.

"You can't." Steve said.

"Oh Steve, leave her. She's fifteen. And her weird friend Banana can come too." Bucky said.

"It's Apple." Sarah corrected him.

"Close enough." Bucky said.

"You have to ask dad." Steve said.


"Dad, can I go at Bucky's concert with Apple?" she asked.

"Sure, but don't come to me tomorrow crying that you spent night in the worst way possible." Tony said.

"Thanks dad. See you." she said smiling.


"Are you better?" Steve asked.

"I'll be fine." Tony said.

"Could you watch Jamie until I pick up Maria from school?" Steve asked.

"Sure." Tony said and Steve give him short peck on lips.

"I'll be back soon." Steve said as he pick up car keys and left.


"Hi pops." Maria said.

"Hey. Are we going?" Steve asked.

"First meet my boyfriend Paul." she said and Steve smiled.

"Aren't you a little bit too young for having a boyfriend?" Steve asked.

"Nope." Maria said and kissed Paul on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow." Paul said and waved to her.

Steve smiled and couldn't wait to tell everything to Tony.


"Bucky you nailed it." Sarah said after concert.

"Was it good? You liked it?" he asked.

"Amazing." Sarah said.

"Who is cute drummer?" Apple asked.

"Back off! He is mine." Bruce said as he heard that and kissed Clint.

"Oh lovebirds... We should go home." Bucky said and Sarah followed him.

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