1.5: Bucky's wife

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"When is Bucky coming?" Maria asked.

"When dad brings him home." Steve said.

"And when will it be?" Maria asked.

"Soon." Steve said and Bucky and Tony entered house.

"Bucky!" Maria said happily and hug him few minutes later.

"Hi, girl. Did you miss me?" Bucky asked.

"Yes." Maria said.

"Then, I have..." he said while taking something from his bag. "something for you."

"Wow, Barbie. Thank you." she said.

"Hey Bucks." Sarah said on her way to kitchen.

"I won't get a hug?" Bucky asked.

"Well..." she said and hug him.

"I get you little present." he said.

"You shouldn't... Holy shit it's beautiful." Sarah said.

"Language!" Steve said looking at his oldest daughter.

"It's real." Bucky said about diamond on necklace he gave her.

"It's not. You can see it from the sky. How much you payed for it?" Tony said.

"Twenty bucks." Bucky said.

"And you believed it's real?" Tony looked at him with one raised eyebrow.

"It was expensive, of course I did." Bucky said.

"Twenty dollars expensive?" Tony looked at him.

"Never mind. I like it." Sarah said.

"Steve, I have to talk with you." Bucky said.

"And what? I won't get a present?" Tony asked sarcastically.

"Don't be such a kid, Tony." Steve said.

"I don't have money for presents that would satisfy you, Stark." Bucky said and Tony smiled.

"Stark Rogers. Fifteen years ago I married your best friend, remember?" Tony said.


"So what's the problem?" Steve asked.

"I got married." Bucky said.

Steve took a moment to process what he heard. "You did what?"

"I was drank!" Bucky said in his defence.

"Oh my God, help me. And what now?" Steve asked.

"That's what I wanted to ask you." Bucky said.

"I'm going to talk with Tony." Steve said.


"Bucky got married in Vegas." Steve said.

"What? I didn't even know he has a girlfriend." Tony said.

"God Tony, he was drunk and he married random girl. He don't even know her. But that's not it. She may be pregnant." Steve said.

"They had..." Tony started raising eyebrows.

"Without protection." Steve nodded.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Tony said angry now. "Is he gonna get divorced?" he asked calmer now.

"I don't know. He should help us with girls but he is worse than them." Steve said and roll his eyes. "Let's talk with him."

Steve and Tony entered kitchen and find Bucky relaxed, eating a slice of cake Steve lately made. He was listening music on earphones.

"Mrs. Barnes is looking for you." Tony said loud and Bucky fast stood up as he heard that.

"What? Where? Tell her I'm not home." Bucky said and Steve and Tony burst in laugh.

"Very funny." Bucky said seriously to two laughing men.

"So you wanna get divorced?" Tony asked and Bucky nodded when someone rang on doorbell. Steve went and opened the door.

"Good morning! I'm Donna. Does James Barnes live here?" woman in nice dress, high heels and expensive coat asked. She looked really posh.

"Yes." Steve said.

"Can I talk to him?" she asked.

"Sure, come in." Steve said and lead her to kitchen where Bucky was. "Bucky you have visit."

"Donna..." Bucky said in a lack of words.

"Hey, uhm... I have to talk with you." she said.

"Sure, sit." he said politely.

"This marriage... It was mistake." she said and he nodded. "I have divorce papers here, you just have to sign here, here and here and it's over."

"Okay." Bucky said and took pen but stopped before signing. "You are not... pregnant?"

"No, no." she said. "I'm taking pills."

"Okay then," Bucky signed on divorce papers "here you are." he said and give it to her.

"Thank you. Bye." she said and went away.

"She's not so bad." Tony commented.

"Tony!" Steve looked at his husband.

"She left a pen." Bucky said and run after her but she entered limo and left.

"You should see what a limo she has. She must be rich. I could take half of her wealth." Bucky said.

"She looks so familiar to me. I know." Steve said with a pause. "She is Donna Goodman. That actress from a..." Steve said but Bucky couldn't listen further. He went to his room.

"Nice talking." Tony said laughing.

"No, really it's true. She..." Steve try to say but Tony interrupt.

"You wanna say Bucky almost get rich?" Tony asked.

"Almost." Steve said.

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