1.7: First word

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While Bucky was passing in front of Jamie's bedroom she started crying so he entered and picked her up.

"Hey princess." he said smiling to her so she smiled back. She touched his beard. Then he kissed her tiny palm and she laughed.

"Say Bucky!" he said.

"Gaga." Little girl said.

"Bucky. Bu-cky. How do you call your uncle Bucky?" Bucky said.

Then she touched his bottom lip and smiled. He kissed her stomach and she laughed even harder than before, waving with her hands.


"Stevie?" Tony asked silently not sure if Steve is sleeping.

"Yeah?" Steve asked.

"Don't you think she should start talking?" Tony asked about Jamie. "I mean Sarah and Maria started talking before they were one year old."

"Don't worry. I think everything's okay. I mean some kids start talking long after one year." Steve said.

"I think that we should talk to her more. I'm going to bring her here."


"My little girl. How big you are already." Steve said taking her from Tony's arms.

"Say daddy. Say dada." Tony said.

"Sarah's first word was dada and Maria's papa. I wonder what's hers will be." Steve said.

"Oh and now this is a competition?" Tony asked.

"Of course not." Steve smiled, "Just saying."

"Ba-ki." Jamie suddenly said pointing her finger at Bucky at the stairs.

"Did she say...?" Tony asked surprised.

"Bucky?" Steve asked.

"Did you just call me, princess." Bucky said as he heard them talking in living room. "Did you just call your uncle Bucky?"

Steve and Tony were surprised.

"Okay, these deserves champaigne." Bucky said and took one from Tony's bar and opened it. Then kissed Jamie on her cheek.

"Baki." she said again.

"What did you do to her?" Steve asked.

"Nothing. She just said it." Bucky said.

"Yeah, you probably repeat like parrot your name around her." Tony said.

"Are you two maybe jealous?" Bucky asked.

"No." they said in the same time.

"Sure not." Bucky said. He wanted to tease them so much now but he knew that it can only get worse when they get angry. He was happy anyway.

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