Chapter 1

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Maya's prov

Hi my name is Maya and I'm a wesen known as a blutbad, I'm the younger sister of Monroe, this I the story of my adventers with the grimm Nick.

I just got home from my secret safe place that I go to so i can escape from the abuse that I suffer from at "home". A place where people cuss at you, hit you, and touch you inappropriately is not a home, it's a personal hell. As soon that I got home my so-called father slapped me in the face and started to yell at me.

"Where were you, you little bitch, were you opening your legs you little whore, you deserve to die." Yeah that's my so called father, sadly this happens every single time that I come home at night.

Instead of just standing their taking the abuse, I backed away. I started running for my room, and ran as fast I could up the stairs.

"Come back here you little bitch!" My so-called father yelled at me while running up the stairs to my room.

"I need to get out of this hellhole if I want to survive." I mumbled to my self.

I had locked my bedroom door as soon as I heard my so-called father yell. I already packed my suitcase with my important belongings like my picture with Monroe on my fifth birthday. I knew that getting out was going to be the tricky part of the whole ordeal. See, my bedroom was on the second floor, but I had a bush that was planted before my birth in front of it, so if I played my cards right i would hopefully come out with little to no injury.

Jummping and landing in the bush with some minor scrapes and bruises. I ran as quickly as I could with a duffle bag to my car. Now, all that was left to do was to call Roe and tell him that I'm coming to stay for a while, just  until I can find a job and a house.

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