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Before I start this story I would like to explain the six different Realms of Nova. There is an Autumn Realm ,Summer realm, Spring realm,and the Arctic Realm, but the two most important are the Enchanted and Evil Realms. These two realms is where the magic comes from. There is the good and the bad magic .

There once was a man named John Evergreen, his life was perfect. He had a wife and a baby daughter named Emily. On a cold winter night John and his wife were by the fire and it was soon to go out. Baby Emily laid  in her crib fast asleep.

'" John will you go out and get some more fire wood before we go to bed?" his wife Rose asked.

" Of course anything for you my love," he said getting up and putting on his coat.

 He walked out into the cold and closed the door slowly so the baby wouldn't awake. As he walked in the dark winters night he heard something move in the alley way that he was walking by.

" Who is there?" he yelled in to the darkness.

When no one answered he walked on. It was so cold with no light but the moon and the stars, shining in the sky.  Now the woods were starting to come into view and John walked faster. He felt as though someone was watching him and he just wanted to go home, away from that place. At the edge of the woods he started to grab some pieces of wood from the ground. Again he heard something move deep in the woods. 

" Who is there?" he yelled again.

Nothing moved for a minute and John thought he had just imagined it. That's when to thing started to move toward him. He was about to run when he realized it was just a rabbit passing by. He sighed with relief and started to pick more wood. When he was about to go back home he heard a loud scream followed by a cry for help. He dropped the wood and ran into the forest. He ran until he couldn't breath. His little sister Anna was lost in the woods when John was fourteen. She was six at the time and he blamed himself for it.

They were out in the woods one day and John had been tired from working for the money to help his family. Anna was playing, while he fell asleep watching her.  When he woke up, she was gone . He looked for her and called out her name many times until dark, but he never found her. He hated himself for it and he promised to help anyone in need in the woods. 

As he ran the screaming grew louder and, he knew he couldn't stop. He was about a quarter mile in the woods, when he stopped for a breath and he noticed that the screaming had stopped. He looked around, standing in a huge circle of trees. In the middle was his little sister Anna with tears in her eyes. Then she stopped and looked up at John. 

"John you're back! I've been waiting days for you!" she screamed with joy.

"No! This isn't possible you're dead!" 

He started running, but somehow he came back to the circle and Anna looked about the age of thirty.

 "John you were gone for years! You never came back for me! I hate you!"

"Stop! Stop! You're not real!"

He ran again but still came back to the circle and Anna looked like she was about the age of eighty. She rocked back and forth.

" I hate John. I hate John. I hate John," she screamed into the cold night.

" Anna is that you?" he said looking at her weird.

"JOHN!" she said grabbing the collar of his shirt, " I hate you. You left me here to die! You never loved me! You just let me go off on my own when you were asleep dreaming of your stupid girlfriend!"

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