~ Niكha ~

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Niكha 💐💞

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


Quiz Time

Q.1 who used to recite the Quran once a year with Prophet Muhammed(saw) ?




"Don't expect your spouse to be perfect, He/She is only the Dunya Version of themselves.
Their Perfect Version is saved for you In Jannah."


The Nikha was late at afternoon, After the Asr salah in the masjid. The area of masjid faced the breathtaking view turning the blue sky with orange and yellow shades. I was in a dressing room, ready and still. I heard the sound of raindrops, I looked out of the window, to see it was truly raining, I prefer saying Drizzling. I think rainbow is going to show up. Alhamdulillah can this day get any more beautiful.

Allahumma sayyiban nafiya

I had already performed my Asr salah and going crazy, no wait. Crazier, there was nervous drumming in my heart waiting here in this room.

I stood in front of the mirror, looking at my reflection, for the first time I see myself beautiful. I feel completely numb as I run my hands over the dress to flatter a small crease, the dress was completely white, wrapping me in its colour, A colour that prophet Muhammed (saw) loved. The hijab on my head feels like it's a crown. There was no heavy makeup applied which I personally dislike nor anyone forced me to apply expect some foundation, liner and the lighter shades of fruit flavoured pink lipstick.

We had Invited a small group of family and friends. As the ceremony was held in the masjid, the gathering of men's and women's were different. I and my family wanted it in halal way and so did Mr. Nawab. It was halal for a girl to be dressed in the gathering of women's as no men's were allowed to enter.

Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" I ask quietly.

"It's me" I hear my mom's gentle voice answering.

I immediately rush over to open the door, my arms wrapping around her before she can ever get in the room. "Mom" I break down in her arms.

"What am I gonna do without you, who is going to eat my brain or bug me for food 24 hours" hearing her words, I cried with a sound from my all heart.

"My duas always with you" Her warm lips on my forehead, kissing it.

I found sister Shaziya entering the room, looking super gorgeous in her beautiful dress with a 7 months baby bump. No matter how bad heels over head throwing we were. There was bulk and bulk of love filled in our the fights. I smile at the memories.

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