Allahumma Barik lahu..! What a Beauty.

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‏السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Allahumma Barik..! What A Beauty..!

"The Prophet Muhammed (Saw) said, 'Allah Almighty does not look at your appearance, nor at your possessions, rather he looks at your hearts and actions"
- (Amali al-tusi. p.536 no.1162)

I met with the sight of him, Black eyes, Blackish-steel coloured eyes. I looked straight in his eyes which was looking at me his gaze was Ice-cold, Wallaha, He is sinful handsome, Dark black hair and light tan skin. His broad shoulders rolling in the delicious leather jacket with white shirt and the dark pair of a jeans making him look taller.

Allahumma Barik lahu..! what a Beauty...

'Lower your gaze' Said my Inner voice. Embarrassed that our eyes met the same time, I lowered my gaze. I was sure that I had my hijab on but for precautions I touched my head, And yes I had it on. We are in the living, the curtains was opened into half so only zaid could see not any Non-Mehram.

He cleared his throat, "Yes" he said in amazingly husky voice. Huh..! My eyebrows shot up and saw his eyes met Mr. Khan's, His hands in his pockets, His Adam's apple babbled as he looked away nervously.

When my gaze lift up to see him, He was looking right back at me, his cold gaze sending me goosebumps, That badboy look..!

I lower my gaze, My cheeks turned red, fresh red tomatoes. You can easily bite them, I bet yah, They will taste delicious.., Just 'yes', is he not gonna ask me anything about my life.! Is is so eager to get married ?. I mean he easily said 'yes'. He looked young, he is young for Allah's sake. He is okay with an early marriage..? He didn't even tried to start a conversation just 'yes' wow.

There were so many questions in my head but my heart was transferred from my stomach to throat. Words were stuck were my heart was. He lowered his gaze, takes few steps back. His hands still in his pockets, he is shy now I can tell the way he scratched his neck and his cheeks turned a bit red.

Now everyones gaze on me. My cheeks are already red I don't wanna burn them. I am so bad when all the attention is on me. "Alhamdulillah" said Mr. Khan. I hear the giggling from my cousins and sister Shaziya, They started poking me, I shift from there and take few steps back glaring them.

" What is your answer beta Ziya ". Asked Mrs. Fathima Ruqayya. Now my heart stopped beating. But these questions kept nagging me for days since the last visit of Mr. Nawab Khan. Is he religious ? Well he din't look like but I cannot judge him by his looks..its never my place too. But will he help me reach Jannah? Would he treat me and My family specially my my mother as his family. These were the important question but expect his family Mr and Mrs. Khan were religious and sweethearts.

He is smart handsome, He is in his first year of MBBS, 'I know a Biology student..Allah surly blessed him with a good brain.' He will be taking Mr. khans Indian Business, lets not forget our first letter starts with 'Z'. Everything seems perfect By Allah's grace. I am lucky 'Alhamdulillah' to have everything perfectly at my doorsteps but I am nervous.

I had kept praying Istikhara Salaah for nights, Asking My Lord to help me and my family in this important decision of my life. Maybe this is my fate, Maybe Allah planned this, Sending Mr.khan at my doorstep. Maybe Allah wants me accept this..? Arrgh..! My head was messed.

Nikha is a solemn and sacred social contract between a man and a woman. This contract is a strong covenant. 'Mithaqun Ghalithun' as expressed in Quran 4:21. Its an mutual agreement between both parties. A Nikha/ Marriage not only gets a pair together also it brings 2 family together. Which also means sharing bad and good together, Nikha is like, you and your husband is like a one Garment (One Libaas). Can he be mine..?

I wanted everyones approve for this proposal, Specially Moms. My eyes met her Chocolate like brown eyes. She came forward took hold of my hand in her warm ones.

"Its your decision, I liked him, I know he doesn't look religious or match my exception or your. But maybe its Allah's wish, His family is lovely specially Mr and Mrs khan. There is no pressure from me, I will be happy with what decision you take and I will support it." I was speechless I could only nod because her words were processing my brain. She kissed the knuckles of my hands, I kissed her back. I see around for my family, They nod their heads as 'yes'.

"Yes Beta Ziya" spoke Mrs. Fathima Ruqayya in support of my moms words. My mind was clear now. My Rabb guided me once again. So I was ready with my answer and had left all my hopes and faith to Allah. Whatever good or bad is going to happen in future then it is from Allah so I could learn from them.

" Beta Ziya, its your decision there is no pressure, we will be happy with your decision." Said Mr. Nawab khan. They won't pressurise me, like hell yeah those puppy eyes of their specially Mr. Nawab Khans was enough to make me say 'Yes'.

"Hmm" I muttered to Mrs. Fathima Ruqayya. "Huh..what" she asked lowering her head towards me. I was so nervous right now. 'You can do it ziya' In the name of Allah I said "yes" Words came more like a whisper.

"Yes.?" She asked "yes" I replied. I heard laughters and wishes saying 'Allahu Akbar' 'Mubarak' 'BarakAllhu Feequm'. I was so busy smiling and replying thier wishes that I didn't even notice until someone took hold of my right hand and I felt something slipped in my ring finger.

Its obvious that its Mrs. Fathima Ruqayya Aka Dadi. I blushed hard and looked at the ring, My fingers couldn't wait to touch it that it was so Beautiful Masha Allah. It was a gold ring with tiny diamonds circling the big diamond in the middle. It wasn't small or large it fit perfectly. Even the ring agrees with my decision...!.

Here, Starts My Quirkily Tale.!!


Jazak Allahu Khairan

I hope your wait was worth and I could Make upto Your expectations..

What do you think about Pakistani actors.? As cast.

Thank you for reading, but don't just be a silent reader. I am trying hard to make it better. Insha Allah Ramadaan is coming soon and I may not be updating chapters. But before Ramadaan I will try my best to surprise you with a chapter. And remember, do take GOOD and leave BAD from this story. Don't forget to leave any islamic points in each chapter so it benefits me and you. I hope you learn something from it.
Thank you again.

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Lots and lots of love and duas,

Noushi xoxo

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