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Hi! You have somehow stumbled upon my art book. I hope you are here to stay :3

I post: art of dragons, cats and other animals. Landscapes and crafts sometimes

Mediums : Watercolours, pencil crayons, pencils, oil paints.

Do NOT, no matter what;
-trace, steal, reframe or use my art without asking me. Anyone found doing this will be blocked and get a SEVERE talking to.

-mess with anyone. I consider my regular readers my good friends, and if you start a fight here I will not be kind.

-act butthurt.

I don't want to go call you out unless it is severe. but I will keep it in mind whenever I see it and ignore your requests for trades and stuff, as well as anything I may see you doing on others books.

A bit of info on me:
I am a grade 9 student currently in homework hell so please excuse any lateness or lack of updates. You can call me Arctic, Lynx or North. I am female and go by she/her pronouns please. I can be sarcastic a lot, so please take anything I say that offends you lightly.
Im a pretty passionate and excitable person. cap lock WILL BE INVOLVED . It's not an attack or anything negative, it's just me.

Fandoms: Wings of fire, Warriors, Throne of glass, HoH, Harry Potter, six of crows, marvel, the hunger games, flight rising

Art trades: open

Requests: open to REGULAR VOTERS. That means you can not ask for a request suddenly when I've never seen you before and then never be seen again. Requests will be simple sketch headshots. Animal characters only.

If you have a contest open you can asks about it if you want. I am more likely to join if
A) I think it is likely to be finished/have lots of people joining it/not canceled. 
B) the theme inspires me.

Constructive criticism is always welcome and defended.

Paint splatters: Art and photographs. Where stories live. Discover now