Day 10 - Your Newest Fan :D.

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Dear Alexandria,

     So, I changed my list so I could write to my newest fan which was you :D. So I thought I'd share a little bit about me with you ;

- My name is Katarina pronounced ( cat - are - ee - na ) hehee ;D . I hate my name so feel free to call me Kat or Kit Kat Bar or pudding[: ! lmfao xD .

- I ramble alot if you haven't noticed -.- .

- I LOVE LOVE LOVE writing & reading horror stories. I'm not very good at writing them but, I do enjoy it. Brings out my evil side ya know[x ?

- My absolute FAVORITE food is a taco! Ask anybody!

- Feel free to ask me anything whether it's something thats making you sad /: or you just want me to vote on every single chapter of a book, I will do it <3 . I love helping the fellow Wattpaders[: .

- You're sooo awesome for loving Cody Simpson as much as I do :D <3.

- On his birthday, I went around school screaming ' IT'S MY HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY ! ' . Yeah people stared ..

- I'm thirteen & love cheerleading <3. It's my life!

- I LOVE YOU <3.

     I promise I will upload! I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE! ' Cause I'm not mean to my fans[x !

xoxo Katarina .

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