Chapter 22: Rehab

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Jane eased the pair of barbells back down onto the floor and stood up straight, wiping away the beads of sweat that had formed on her forehead with a towel. Eight more reps, she thought to herself. She was nowhere near the goal her physical therapist had set for her at her last rehab session, but her legs were already starting to turn to jelly, and her arms had begun to shake uncontrollably.

She gave up with a sigh and walked over instead to the full length mirror, studying herself with a forced smile. She looked good, on the whole. She was 38 years old, but she’d always looked much younger than her age. She could probably still pass for 30 now. And not because she went for botox either – she was all natural, unlike most of the other women she encountered these days, now that she and Adam had returned to their old neighborhood in Beverly Hills.

If there was one thing to be said for a three-year-long coma – at least it had kept the laugh lines that had started to appear on her face from growing any deeper. At least she had that much going for her. Now she just needed to get back in shape.

Her therapist had been more than pleased with her progress so far. It had only been a couple months since she’d been in a state of complete paralysis. Now her motor skills were almost back to normal, with just a few nagging quirks – a slight weakness on her left side that led her to limp when she overdid it, and this aggravating tremor in her hands whenever she attempted to bear weight.

It was more than that, though, she had to confess to herself. Her energy level still wasn’t what it used to be. Even now, standing here in front of the mirror, she felt the urge to sleep prick at the backs of her eyes. She fought against it, forcing her eyelids open in an unblinking stare, unwilling to give in to the nap her body was demanding.

It was still amazing progress, she told herself. She needed to be patient. The sleepiness was another thing that had been improving steadily with each passing week. She could make it through most days without a nap at this point. Compare that to the night in the hospital when she’d first opened her eyes – she hadn’t been awake for much time at all before she’d been overcome by an unbearable weariness, an irresistible urge to sleep.

She still felt a lump in her throat every time she thought back to that night. There had been that initial burst of adrenaline. Seeing her daughter for the first time. Seeing Adam. Talking to him. Touching him. It must have been about an hour before her energy had run out. They were still waiting for the doctor to arrive from Boise. Adam had been absolutely terrified. He’d tried to hide it from her, but she could see the fear in his face – afraid if he let her fall asleep, she wouldn’t wake up again. He had crawled into the hospital bed and propped her up in his arms, giving her little shakes every time her eyes started to drift close.

“Don’t go to sleep,” he kept saying. “The doctor will be here soon.”

“I’m trying, Adam.”

“Come on. Just talk to me. Tell me—“ she’d watched as he cast about for a topic. “Tell me about our first date.”

“First date?”


“When was that?” She’d closed her eyes to think, forcing them open again a moment later as he jostled her gently.

“Come on,” he’d whispered.

“I guess you bought me breakfast,” she’d mused. “After that first night together. You took me to that weird Ukrainian place.”

“Veselka,” he’d nodded. “I wonder if that’s still there.”

“Borscht for breakfast.” She’d stuck out her tongue at him.

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