Chapter 16 l

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Chapter Sixteen: What has pizza ever done to you?

Nevada's POV

When I look back, I guess it was that one night that showed me what a true family looked like. They laughed together. Got angry at each other. Shared the same pain, the same burdens. And at the end, they only grew stronger together. Soon after, saying hello and hanging out with Katerina Parker became natural as Tom chasing Jerry. Even though in school we were at the opposite sides of the spectrum, we still stopped and spoke to each other. Hunter was there with Katerina but no Grayson – which to be honest made me feel a bit disappointed. It was f*cked up, but I figured since he was her cousin, I would be seeing more of him.

When the day finally came to an end, I sighed heavily thinking about the boredom that awaited me at my empty nest. It was starting to get cold, and winter break was starting soon. Just as I was about to escape this prison, my path was suddenly blocked by a short and pudgy woman.

"Going somewhere Miss Adams?" She asked with a hand on her hip.

I rolled my eyes and sighed again, "Look Mrs Nelson, I know you teachers don't have a life, but I actually do and I would like to get back to it" I tried moving past her, but she cut me off.

"Contrary to popular beliefs Miss Adams, we actually do have lives. I have a home and a family I would love to get back to. But instead, I'm here chasing students, making sure they're handing in all their work so that they could graduate without being held back."

"Really?" I asked surprised at the discovery, "I thought teachers lived in the school. What...What home are you talking about?"

"Very funny, Miss Adams. Now about that work..."

"But last year, they found Mr Jenkins camping out in the gym. I mean the old man had practically moved in there with his furniture and all."

She froze dumbfounded for a second, "Mr Jenkins was going through some problems at the time. Now, your essay..."

"Will be on your desk first thing tomorrow morning" I finished with a smile.

She frowned, clearly not happy with the answer. "This is your last warning Nevada. If it's not on my desk by 8:15am, I will fail you for this whole module."

"That's great Mrs Nelson. Now can I go?"

She sighed heavily, "Have you thought about your future?

"What?" I replied getting irritated.

"After winter break, you'll only have a couple of months left before you graduate. Have you thought about what you are planning to do after high school ends?"

"Seriously Mrs Nelson? I haven't even thought about what I'm going to do when I get home. Let alone my f*cking future."

"Mind your language Miss Adams. Despite what the other teachers say, I know you have lots of potential. Please don't waste it. And remember 8:15 sharp." She reminded me.

"Yeah, yeah I got it" I answered walking away.

I pulled my coat tighter around me, as I exited the building. The future huh? Who knows what's in f*cking store me. As I opened the door to my car, I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"You lent your car to Sebastian?"

"Yeah, that dumbass was supposed to be back before school ended."

I turned around to see Katerina Parker and Hunter Goulding huddled together on an empty parking spot, where I had seen Hunter's car in the morning. Instead of his usual leather jacket, Hunter opted for a navy blue overcoat. If it wasn't for his voice, I almost didn't recognise him standing next to Katerina. His dark eyes held irritation as he put the phone against his ear and listened closely to the other side. Katerina, on the other hand, was wearing a gray coat with a cream scarf wrapped around her neck.

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