Addict With A Pen

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Margo's eyes widened when she heard that all too familiar voice coming from behind her. The crazy bitch smirked and turned,

"Well, well.. Look who fucking showed up to save the damsel in distress.. You're late."

Sebastian took a hurried step but quickly stopped when Margo pointed the gun on him. His hands in the air as he shook his head, he looked petrified, but stood his ground, "Margo.. babe? Please.. You're a lot more rational than this. Put the gun down please.. Please."

Sebastian pleaded, he's looking at you with worried and terrified eyes, who wouldn't be if a gun was pointed at them?

Margo just scoffed at that, pinching the bridge of her nose and laughed, "Nah.. No. I can't let her just wreck everything I worked hard on building up.. Like I fixed you for her?! Fuck no!"

What did she mean? Your mind wanted to know what Margo was talking about but honestly, your head is just clouded by fear and paranoia that you can't even begin to wonder about it.

But if by some god damn miracle both you and Sebastian survive this, your questions need answers.

"That's not what happened, she's not--" Sebastian tried to reason but his lunatic wife just snapped at him.

"God damn it Seb, shut the fuck up. I just want her gone!"

"She will.. she will be! I'll send her off.. far-- fucking far away from us.. She won't bother us anymore.."

"That's not enough for me.."

Margo looked down with her eyes closed, but your eyes are glued at Sebastian like your life depended on it.. Well, given the situation, your life does depend on it.

He gestures at you to sneak out the back door while Margo is still looking away. You hesitantly and slowly got up from where you were sitting, being extremely careful not to make any noises or creaks as you stand up.

'It's gonna be okay..' Sebastian mouthed to you inaudibly. You could only nod at him, tears brimming your eyes, you could feel your heartbeat go faster every move you make. You made your way to the door, trying not to make any sound while Margo is still distracted.

A foot out more and you're free, but a loud gun shot startled you, all of a sudden there's this burning sensation on your left arm. The heat spreads inside your arm like intense wild fire, fast and uncontrollable.

You didn't even realize you're already falling down; fast, your vision is clouded with tears as the pain sets in your brain. With heavy eyes, you looked up to see Sebastian grabbing the gun out of Margo's hand, but failed. She's now pointing the gun at him again while still looking down at you with blood shot eyes and tears falling down.

You couldn't hear much but you can hear quite well enough, "Go to her and I'll shoot your fucking face!" Margo threatened, you can hear the frustration in her voice. Half of you wanted Seb to save you, make the pain go away.. but the other half wants you to just let go and die, with everything that's happening, it's impossible for the three of you to walk out of here alive.

The next words were muffled by now, and you can feel yourself begin to lose consciousness. Margo was about to pull the trigger on Sebastian, she was really gonna do it. You tried to move but everything hurts, even your legs feel numb.

"He's not gonna be the one dying tonight.." You whispered to yourself, your voice hoarse and out of breath, cold sweat on your forehead starts dripping down. Blood gushing out of your ripped, wounded arm.

You tried to stand up, mustering every energy you have to balance yourself on your feet. Your vision is blurry but you can see Sebastian's face, red and crying. The dim light of the moon illuminated his teary eyes. He caught sight of you, out of shock and relief he was about to speak but you stopped him.

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