Chapter 34: Not too shabby.

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We had finished packing our bags a while ago, after we were finished, I went straight to the hospital.

"Hey Dest." I gave my sister a small smile, which she gladly returned.

"Hi sis." She grinned.

"I have something to tell you," I sighed, sitting on the bed next to her.

She cocked her head to the side and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Me and Greyson are going on a trip," I ran a hand through my hair.


"We are going to find who killed everyone.. And to find Stephan." I smiled sadly.

She teared up,

"I-I'm going too." She demanded.


"No! I am going. I am healed already.. I don't why they are keeping me in this hell hole." She raised her voice.

"Destiny. You haven't even shifted for the first time yet." I put my hand on hers.

"Yes I have! I have!" She started breathing heavily,

"When?" I looked at her in curiosity. 

"Before those people took us, I shifted.. I did." She whispers

"I'll have to see that for myself.." I smile, 

"So, you'll let me go?" Her eyes shined with hope.

"Well," I started

"I'd have to see you shift, then if you did come, you'd have to train, hard." I looked her straight in the eye.

A grin slowly grew on her face, then she leaped onto me. 

"Thank you," She whispered.


They released Destiny out of the hospital, and we went home so she could pack.

After she finished packing, I took her down to the basement.

"Okay Dest, I need you to shift." I smirk

She nods and closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath.

She lowered down on all fours and fur sprouted out of her body, and claws pushed their way out of her fingers.

Before I knew it I stood in front of a grey wolf.

I smiled, and rubbed behind her ear.

"Okay, time for some tests. Are you ready?" I smile.

She let out a bark.

I shifted down into my wolf, and looked down a bit to see Dest.

'Okay, first we are going to do some fighting tests. I am going to take it easy okay?.' I said to her through mind link.

She nodded, as I lowered into battle position.

I lunged at her, but before I could touch her she quickly dodged, sending me tumbling on the floor.

'Nice one.' I compliment 

She nods and lowers down.

She lunges and I quickly move, just barely not getting tackled.

I turn around quickly, and ran straight to her, swiping my paw under hers.

She tumbles slightly, but quickly recovers.

She lunged at me again, tackling me to the floor.

We roll once and she jumps out,

'Go ahead and shift back into human form.' I tell her,

She nods, panting.

She goes into the bathroom, and returns with a robe around her body.

I walk into the same bathroom, noticing she grabbed a robe for me too.

I walked out and walked straight to her, and smirked.

"Not too shabby, sis." 

She smiled,

"You're very agile, that will be a important factor to have in this mission." 

Her smile widens and she hugs me.

"Now, lets work in human form." 



so yeh imma post again right after dis.


pic of destiny to the side.

i love the hunger games

dont even get me started on jennifer lawrence 

catching fire made me wanna shoot myself

nah jk but holy pickle it was amazing

my butt hurts

just so you all know that :-)

luh u 

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