Chapter 15: Coffee

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I spent the rest of that night worrying if my family was okay or not.

Who would have taken them?

And why?

Who would be that cruel?

I never went to sleep.

How could I? Some psycho took my family.


"Hello?" Stephan answers his phone

"Steph, we have an issue." I sighed rubbing my hand across my face.

"What is it?"

"Somebody took mom and dad, Destiny AND Connor." I told him

There was a pause

"Who?" He asked anger in his voice.

"I don't know."

"I'll be right over."

With that said I hung up.

Making a pot of coffee hoping it will give me some more energy.

I decided I better go change my clothes, considering I was in booty shorts and a sports bra.

Hey, it's hot and no one is here.

I go upstairs to my room and grab some black high waisted shorts with a white tanktop and a leather jacket. Then I put on some black studded combat boots. I'm obsessed with high waisted shorts and combat boots.

I walk down the stairs and get a cup of coffee

My hair in a messy bun,

Somebody pulls it.

"owe" I groan

I turn around figuring it was Stephan.

Oh how wrong I was.

"What the hell Collins!" I say angry

He smirked

"I have a first name you know," he smiles

"Why'd you pull my hair? Butthole." I furrow my eyebrows crossing my arms, pouting like a child.

"Awe don't be sad Skysky." He cooed pinching my cheeks

I smack his hands away from me

"What are you doing here?" I snap

"I was in the mood for coffee." He shrugs

"How'd you know I was making coffee?" I ask

He smirked

"Awe sky, you haven't seen me round, have you?" He says

Seen him round?

Oh my god,

"Have you been stalking me?!" I yell in the strongest voice I could let out

He laughed

"You know for being the original werewolf, you're pretty damn naïve." He shakes his hair out of his face.

"Why the hell have you been stalking me?" I growl

He looked me in the eyes and smiled

"Skylar," he grins

"Just say it." I snap

"Skylar, you're the most beautiful girl i've ever laid eyes on. Even before you shifted completely. Even when you were weak. Skylar Faolan Kiyiya." He looks me dead in the eye, his eyes showing honesty and love. He lifted his hand and held my cheek.

"Collins.." I breathed

"Gabriel," he corrected

"I-I.." I began

I heard a car door close and I pulled off Gabriel's hand from my face and walked away from him to the front door.

The door busted open with a angry Stephan walking in.

"What happened?" He roared

"Calm down, brother." I tried to sooth him.

"I can't Skylar.." He sighed

"What if a Vampire took them? Or worse!" He said.

Gabriel visibly stiffened at the word Vampire.

Stephan noticed. He turned around staring at Gabriel.

He took a deep breath in, sniffing the air.

Stephan started backing up,

"Skylar.. Why is a Vampire here?" He yelled.

"Gabriel's on our side!" I told Stephan.

"How can you know?!"

"I just do! Drop it okay?"

Stephan huffed and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a mug.

He poured himself some coffee and sat down.

"Show me the note." He demanded.

I took the note out of my pocket and handed it to him.

He read it and looked up at me.

"Well, tonight we're kicking some ass, huh?"


das right stephan kick da booty

gif of aiden on de side

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