Éomer Imagine: Hearts Fire. Part Fourteen

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"Where will you go?" (Y/N) asked forlornly, feeling her heart shatter as she watched Éomer expertly tying a hefty rope around the sturdy leg of her bed, before tossing the length of the cable from her open window.

"I am taking my garrison of the Rohirrim and we will patrol the borders-" The young royal stood to wipe down his hands on his armour, turning to her and sighing sorrowfully. "-I will write if I can."

"I doubt your letters would make it to me, not if this is the length that Gríma has gone to. You just...concentrate on staying safe." The maid beamed miserably, laying a hand around one of his robust biceps.

Éomer suddenly smirked invitingly, shuffling himself nearer and rising to his full height to tower over her in a provocative manor. "It would seem that you are worried for me, my lady. Now, why would that be?"

"Hmm-" She hummed lightly, standing on her tip toes and leaning up to whisper delicately into his ear. "-It would be rather pleasant to have someone to cuddle up to on the rapidly approaching winter nights, you know as well as I do how cold it can become." (Y/N) lifted her eyebrows flirtatiously as she grinned wildly. "I wouldn't like to have to sleep alone if I can help it."

"Well, you have a very fine point there." The young lord hushed, his eyes sparkling with lust as he rested his lips on her neck and left a trail of kisses up to her cheek. "Who could argue with that?"

(Y/N) moaned out enthusiastically, rolling her eyes to the heavens in sheer ecstasy and wrapping her fingers around the buckle of his belt. This gesture made Éomers movements all the more heated, and soon they were both flinging each other around the room passionately, groaning with excitement.  "You promise that you will return to me?" The girl managed to whisper out in between breaths, holding his rugged face in her palms.

"I promise." Éomer mumbled against her skin, his voice as smooth as velvet. "I swear it." The prince pushed the girl harshly back onto her bed, raucously climbing on top of her and raising her arms above her head to pin her down. She responded to his actions by arching her back, desperately trying to roll herself up so that her ravenous mouth could reach his own. But Éomer mockingly kept himself away from her touch, manoeuvring his body so that a free set of fingers could tickle their way up her creamy thigh. 

"You should go-" (Y/N) sighed serenely, closing her eyes as she felt the lord regretfully slow himself down, resting his forehead against her heaving chest. "-Before I decide to keep you in this room forever."

"Would that be a bad thing?" The prince breathed, wanting nothing more than to fling her over his shoulder and carry her off into the night. "We might be able to continue where this is headed."

"We have all the time in the world-" (Y/N) pulled at his hair teasingly, letting her fingers trace the features of his face. "-and I'm sure it will be worth the wait."

"I guarantee it." The young lord raised to his knees and stumbled back off the mattress, smirking at his lover before adjusting the bulge that had swelled in his trousers. He then picked up the rope and set himself down carefully upon the window ledge while he seemed to ponder at his thoughts for a moment, before then hauling the maid to be near him for a final time. "Do not tell Éowyn the truth of what has happened. She will leave Edoras to join me, and then our uncle will be unprotected."

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