Éomer Imagine: Hearts Fire. Part Three

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(Y/N) had slowly made her way through the building, and up towards the west wing where the male members of court slept. It was here that most of the decoration of the building was held, with each door being engraved handsomely with the name of who stayed in each room, and rich colourful portraits filling the wall space with the faces of royalty, past and present. The girl came to a slow stop outside of Éomers chambers, re-thinking the conversation that she had been playing out in her head, from knocking on the mans door, to laughing at his silly jokes or smiling at his bemusing glances. But now that the oncoming moment was rushing towards her at full speed, (Y/N) felt her knees go weak and her tongue go dry. "Get a hold of yourself..." she muttered under her breath, gathering her nerves and gently shaking her head before faintly tapping on the ornate door.

"Enter." A rich voice called out in answer, and she felt the grips of panic take over her heart-rate as she slowly turned the handle, clearing her throat.

"My Lord..."

Éomer rose from sitting on his bed, half undressed and with his damp hair in loose waves pooling around his shoulders. (Y/N) caught a quick glimpse at the rippling muscles of his torso, that usually lay hidden under his thick leather armour, and immediately felt her cheeks flush with excitement while she squeezed her eyes tight shut and securely slapped her palm across them, mostly so that she would not risk a second peek. "I did not realise it was you, (Y/N). Please come in-" The young man grabbed at a rich, cotton tunic and pulled it over his head, gathering his blonde hair in a strong hand and tossing it over his shoulder. "- and you can open your eyes!" Éomer chuckled handsomely.

The maid relaxed at his tone and moved her fingers, shuffling into the room and closing the door silently behind herself. "I am sorry to bother you, it's just that...Éowyn wishes me to speak with you...on her behalf."

"Oh, and there was me thinking that you had finally decided to get me alone." The young lord hushed teasingly, as he motioned for her to sit on a wooden stool by the window while he sat back down in his place on the bed.

"I'm sure I wouldn't have to try very hard to do that." She grinned alluringly and then cast him a playful countenance, placing a balled fist on each of her shapely hips as her anxieties washed away in the flood of Éomers presence.

"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't..." The lords thoughts spontaneously trailed away from him, suddenly realising how close they were to each other, and he began to nervously entwine his fingers around each other. A lustful silence blanketed them both, filling the short space between them with a rampant warmth, when (Y/N) suddenly remembered the reason that she was sat in Éomer's chambers, and she allowed a nervous sigh to escape her lips. 

"I am afraid that Éowyn is very upset. The king seems to think that she now needs someone to accompany her on all of her daily tasks, fearing that she is in grave and immanent danger by being escorted by myself. It's not hard to imagine who your uncle has chosen to be her new chaperone..."

"Wormtongue?" Éomer twisted his features into an intense grimace, his attention hanging onto (Y/N)s every syllable. "He has a lot to answer for. Too often he is at the centre of trouble in this court!"

"Indeed." The maid nodded, a sliver of hair rippling over her shoulder before she tucked it neatly behind her ear. "-He has also managed to convince Théoden that I am not a good influence upon her, and that she does not need to spend so much of her time with a servant, any of us for that matter, she is particularly upset about that rule over most of the others."

Éomer rapidly stood to his feet in protest, towering over the scene angrily to glare out of the window. "He cannot do that, he cannot command such a thing!"

The girl winced at his reaction, under no allusion that being on the receiving end of the wrath of the young lord would not make comfortable viewing. "I did think it seemed rather harsh also. I am saddened to think that the king thinks so little of me, after our families have been so close for such a long time. I think that was why my lady wanted to ask for your help, for you to perhaps speak with Théoden...and see if you could change his mind..."

The lord let his vexed scowl falter before sorrowfully looking to his feet and defeated placing himself back down on the mattress. "I will of course try for you both-" He mumbled richly. "-And at one time I would have said that the king may have listened. But lately, he does not seem to value my word as much as I would like."

(Y/N) glanced thoughtfully out of the window, taking in the vastness of the night outside while gathering her thoughts. "I did suggest to my lady that I could ask my mother to visit Théoden, I would speak to her if either of you wish it." The maid lifted a finger to her angled chin as she allowed herself to delve into the plan that was formulating in her mind. Her mother was the village doctor, who many referred to as the foremost of her field in the entirety of middle earth. Yolina was wise beyond her years, having trained under her grandmother, who was also widely famed for her nourishing abilities and healing powers. If anyone could work out what was troubling Théoden, then it would be her. 

"That would probably be for the best, although I doubt your mother will get any further than the front door, not with Gríma stalking about." Éomer again stared to his feet, an undeniable sign of how much his uncles recent behaviour had gotten under his skin and frustrated him. "He barely even lets me past, not even to ask my uncle how his day is going."

"Perhaps I could suggest something-" The girl lowered her voice to a husky whisper and leaned in closer to her friend, who was glad that it was dark as he suddenly started to redden wildly at her close contact. "-What if we were to get Wormtongue out of the hall for a while...I'm sure we could find a small task for Éowyn to carry out, and maybe the fact that Gríma now needs to accompany your sister could be of some use to us for the time being..."

Éomer grinned, giddily standing up and grabbing for one of her hands. "That, my lady, is an excellent plan. I will make the arrangements with Éowyn tomorrow morning! I know that she will be more than happy to help out for the sake of my uncles well-being."

"Well, at least we have a plan in place!" (Y/N) rose and straightened out her dress, feeling rather accomplished and fully satisfied that together, they could get to the bottom of the situation. "Whenever you are ready, I will speak to my mother and escort her to Théoden. You know she will be only happy to help."

"Thank you, so very much. Perhaps we could meet up tomorrow night and talk things through even further? We should make sure that everyone is on board." Éomer looked into the girls deep-blue eyes and became lost in her enchanting smile, smirking when (Y/N) became embarrassed and casually looked away, glancing around at the silver moonlight that was illuminating the room. It was only then that the young lord realised that he was still holding onto her slender fingers, gingerly stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. "Sorry..." he muttered, letting go to fiddle with the ends of his hair.

They leisurely made their way back over to the doorway, grabbing onto the last few moments together before Éomer pulled at the handle of his bedroom for (Y/N), who was stood there, reluctant to leave. "-And miss (Y/N)?" The young royal whispered, accidentally brushing her ear with his lips and lowering his tone so that only his friend could hear. "-Do not feel like you need a reason to visit my chambers again." Éomer smirked and then closed the heavy oaken door gently, sighing as he lay back on the bed while a grin spread right across his cheeks.


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