Éomer Imagine: Hearts Fire. Part One

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Dry, brittle grass sprung up from the harsh squares of sun-baked dirt that lined the village of Edoras in sporadic fashion, allowing the frangible hay to stiffly wave about in the hazy breeze of a midday heat, an incredibly vicious heat that was building up from the ferocious summer months that grasped at the mellow tundra of Rohan. The regional farmers, who had been working tirelessly in the surrounding pastures, began to stop their work for the afternoon and downed tools, leaning back against their fence posts to merrily bask in the warmth and take in lungfuls of the balmy, stale air. The children of the locals happily played around the workers feet, before running off in the dust of the worn pathways, picking at handfuls of withered cherries that had been abandoned on the branches of scorched trees, filling their mouths with the fruit and then spitting the pits at each other in a friendly battle of agility while their laughter danced in the slight wind.

Two colossal, oaken gates held the community inside the borders of the village, opening several times a day as residents returned from spending the morning outside the walls in amongst the rich flora of the meadows, coming home to show off the many fruits of their prolonged labour of picking through the dense thickets. Currently, a large crowd were being bustled into the stone walkway of the barriers, a throng which held the presence of two sun-kissed young women, both of whom nodded politely at the bowing guards as they slowly made their way back from flower collecting in the soft tundra.

"I think I have more than enough to keep the royal house decorated for a year or so!" (Y/N) giggled, softly gesturing to her woven basket as she swiftly gazed upon the many daisies and petunia blooms, before watching as they gently fell back into their place. Being a maid for the golden hall of Meduseld, (Y/N) was dressed in her usual uniform of a shapely velvet dress of sumptuous moss green, pulled in tightly at the waist by a small hazel-coloured leather belt. Her wild curls tumbled down her slender back, kept slightly under control by an intricate braid that flatteringly wrapped around the flawless skin of her graceful face. Even in her slightly dishevelled appearance, none could deny that she was, indeed, a beautiful woman. 

"Yes-" Éowyn smiled sadly in reply to her friend. "-We seem to have out-done our selves this morning! Lords know that place needs brightening up...but I doubt a few petals will help." The golden mane of the princess began to fall over her shoulder as she sorrowfully glanced to her fleshy feet. (Y/N) placed a gentle hand around the young royals open palm and cast her a reassuring grin. Lady Éowyn herself had grown into her mothers double, radiating the same ghostly elegance and sharing in her slim, towering posture. If it was not for her youth, many would have thought that it was, in fact, Théodwyn who walked around Edoras, getting stuck into the community work and sharing merriment around her people. She had blossomed into a fine young royal since her parents untimely deaths, and continued to fit the prescription of the peoples princess.

"Do not worry, my lady-" (Y/N) sighed, inwardly agreeing with Éowyn's remarks, but reminding herself of her place while they were outside the halls. "-I am sure King Théoden has his reasons for being so harsh of late. Although, he does seem... changed.

"He is not the same man-" Éowyn paused, sniffing softly as she kept her eyes at the floor, not wanting anyone to see how truly upset she was. "-It pains me greatly. And I know that it is destroying Éomer to see our uncle behave like a provoked tyrant to anyone who dares to even breathe incorrectly! The entire household is in a constant state of anxiety, it takes all I have to bare it." 

(Y/N) knew that there was no point in arguing the fact that Théoden Kings mind seemed altered. The usually considerate and benevolent monarch had suddenly become distant and uncaring, distracted and cruel. The whispered secret had not made its way around the village as of yet, but it would only be a matter of time before questions would be asked as to why the leader did not seem fit to watch over his people as he had done so in the past. "I will send my mother to him if you like?" The maid tugged at her friends fingers. "-Perhaps your uncle is ill? Or at the very least she may know what could help him."  

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