Chapter 20

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(Y/n)'s POV

I woke up and found myself in a completely different place. Also, I noticed that everyone's scents were gone. Where was I? Was this a tent?

"Oh, I see that you're awake." I turned around and came face to face with the circus guy from yesterday.
"Why am I here?!"
"*laughs* Oh, you know your blondie friend? Well, we put a type of sleeping gas into your room and he fell over, unconscious. We took that chance to kidnap you, master's orders."
"I don't even know your name."
"It's John. You'd probably know when I said that my stage name was 'Strong John'."
"That was just your stage name. Anyway, let me go."
"Master did not wish for you to be taken away."
"I don't care, just let me go!" He looked at me while deep in thought.
"Here, wear this." He handed a (circus outfit) that looked sorta revealing.
"I am not wearing that."
"Well, you have to. It's the exam today and master specifically chose this outfit for you to wear."
"Tch, stupid pervert." He was about to slap me but I grabbed onto his arm.
"Quick reflexes, but you will not speak of our master like that!"

I rolled my eyes and pushed him outside. I reluctantly got changed into the outfit and went outside. John just grinned cheekily and led me to an enormous tent. We went inside. Apparently, everyone from the circus had gathered here.

"Master's waiting for you," John said.

I looked towards the direction he was pointing to. In the middle of everyone was a guy wearing a top hat. He had a cane as well.

"Welcome, Miss (Y/n) (L/n). My name is Jeremy. Please, right this way." I followed him to the first event.
"This exam will let me know what talents and skills you have," he explained. I mentally sighed.
"When will I be able to go back?" Everyone gasped.
"What do you mean? You stay here." My eyes widened. What?!
"Anyway, the first event involves daggers. Throw these and try to hit the bullseye."

He handed me about ten daggers. *sigh* I threw the first dagger and it hit the bullseye. Then I threw the other daggers. They all surrounded the first dagger I threw.

"Hmm, next event is trapeze," Jeremy said.

I went up to the platform and saw a boy around my age on the other side. He grinned at me. He had dark blonde hair and greenish blue eyes. Some of his hair covered one of his eye. He looked a bit shorter than me but I wasn't exactly sure.

I grabbed the bar/handle and jumped off. The boy jumped off at the same time as me. I let go before he grabbed onto my feet. We did some more tricks. Apparently everyone was amazed as they couldn't keep their eyes off us.

"That's enough," Jeremy ordered.

The boy flipped me back onto my platform. He looked kind. A carrier pigeon flew over to me. I held out my finger and it landed. I grabbed the note and opened it. Name's Subaru, nice to meetcha. I smiled slightly at him. He just grinned cheekily.

"(Y/n), next event is tightrope," Jeremy announced.

I went to the other platform and waited for his signal. Once this exam was over, I was planning on going back. Jeremy nodded. I carefully stood on the tightrope and started walking. I wobbled but quickly steadied myself. I needed to make it across to the other side.

Come on... One wrong step and it was all over. I willed myself to keep going although I did have little thoughts of myself falling. But I made it... When I stepped onto the other side, I stumbled. Subaru was there and he caught me.

"You're welcome, Miss."
"Just (Y/n) is fine."
"Alright then, (Y/n)."

He smiled at me. He reminded me of an innocent child. Jeremy assigned me to do some other acts before finally ending the exam. After that, I was shown to my tent.

Aido's POV

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Huh? What happened? Eh?! Why was everyone surrounding me?!

"Aido, do you remember anything?" Kaname asked.
"Well, I was watching over (Y/n) in the middle of the night...and then a strange gas drifted in. I don't remember anything after that." Zero grabbed onto my shirt.
"How could you lose her?!" he asked, irritated.
"(Y/n)'s gone?!" Everyone sweatdropped.
"Hehe..." Zero just glared at me. He was about to leave but Kaname stopped him.
"Don't act without thinking. We need to know where she was taken and how we're going to get her back," Kaname said. Yuki had tears in her eyes.
"Tch, isn't it obvious?" Zero asked.
"What's obvious?"
"She's obviously in one of the circus tents! I'm going." Before he could go, I grabbed onto his sleeve.
"I'm going to with you."
"Do as you wish," he replied. I stood up.
"Hanabusa, do you really think that sneaking in will get her back?" Cain asked.
"I'm losing my best friend. I'd do anything to get her back."
"Aido, let's go," Zero said. I nodded and was about to leave with him until we got stopped.
"What is it this time?!"
"Just wait a few days. She could be planning something," Kaname exclaimed. I tightened my fists.
"...fine." Zero just glared at him and attempted to leave but got stopped probably for the hundredth time.
"Why do you keep on stopping me?!" he asked with an annoyed expression.
"Listen to Lord Kaname's orders," Ruka said.
"Tch and let (Y/n) suffer? In your dreams." Yuki grabbed onto him.
"Zero, don't do this alone. We all want to save her but just wait a while...please Zero. Do it for me, do it for her," Yuki pleaded.
"Fine! Don't blame it on me if she comes back hurt and not just physically..." He left.

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