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Author's Note 

Heyo all Nu-chan here, 

I have some information for you before you carry on with your reading. This is the final episode of this fanfic for a short while. I approximate a 3-4 month hiatus to give me time to come up with the next set of chapter. Since Mr. Robot the show has 10 episodes in it's first season I have purposefully made this fanfic have only 10 chapters. But don't worry I plan on continuing at a later time but in the mean time my Psycho Pass fanfic will continue and there may be an entirely new story as well. 

Thank you all so much for the support on this work, I really appreciate it. I wasn't sure if I would be able to write a good fic for this AMAZING shoe but its comforting to know that you guys have enjoyed it so much. Thank you!!! 




Hello friend, 

Sorry I left you behind back there. It's been a while since I've seen him so I guess, I neglected you. Sorry. Things its been good with Maeve. That part of my brain hasn't itched in some time, especially since I haven't spoken to you. You're my friend so you deserve an update. We're headed to her parents house. She wants me to meet them. Can you believe that? I can't.

"I love you, Elliot," Maeve says holding my hand tighter as she presses our arms together. Her warmth moves through my body.

I look at her in awe.

"You don't have to say it back right now if you're not ready," she says glancing up at me with a smile. "I just want you to know how I feel about you."

I lean over between steps and kiss her on the forehead. She grins at me and tucks her head beneath my chin for a second before we continue walking. We jog up the stairs from the train hand in hand and round the corner narrowly missing the influx of people who got off the train with us. We start down the street ahead. A chilly wind breezes past us and I push my free hand further down into my coat pocket.

Suddenly a blur passes in front of me and my body flies backward and Maeve's hand is pulled from mine. I stumble but regain my footing. My head pounds and my chest pulsates with every beat. My eyes search for her but as they scan the crowd ahead but they turn up nothing.
"Shayten, where have you been? What are you doing? Let go of me!" I hear Maeve yell.

Shayten? Her brother?

I run toward the sound of her voice. A man several inches taller than me has her by the back of her coat. She kicks backward swiftly and her foot connects with his shin but he doesn't release her. Next she reaches backward and pulls on his long hair, his head thrusts forward, he lets go of her and she pivots around to face him. She sends her knee into his groin and her elbow beneath his chin this throws his head back up into the air, he collapses and she runs toward me. I wrap my arms around her.

"Are you ok?" I ask pushing her hair out of her face. There are tears in her eyes.

"Yeah," she replies. "I'm fine," she replies attempting to catch her breath. I hug her once more and close my eyes. As start to loosen my grip, her breathing calms and when I let her go, she takes my hand again. We start walking.

With tremendous force something hard connects with my face and I am flung into the air. Seconds later, I land hard on the pavement and my head begins throbbing as though I've been hit by an eighteen-wheeled truck. There's no breath in my lungs and my arms are shaking so violently I'm having troubling propping myself up off the ground.

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