7. Factory Reset

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It's been months, 6 whole months since I've heard anything about Tyrell Wellick or the people who were and maybe are still watching me. Nothing online, nothing on the dark net. Nothing.

That part of my brain has started itching.

I've been filling my free time that's not spent with Maeve on bringing in small fraudulent security business trying to scrounge up what is left of the 'big money' that used to run society. The big businesses that funded all of this are scrambling to pick up the mere pitons left from multi-million--trillion dollar corporations. Corporations that no longer have enough money to pay a solid number of employees let alone run a business.

Taking cover from the sun shining over head I walk into the Bistro and take a seat at a single free table.
You're becoming more daring," he says taking the seat in front of me.
Ignoring him, I set my eyes on Evelyn McClain and watch as she begins eating her food. She accepts a few phone calls and seems to answer texts and or emails before she picks up her coffee even once. As lunch time comes to an end and establishment becomes less crowded, I walk to her table and take a seat in front of her. 

"My apologies, this is my lunch break but I would be happy to speak with you afterward." She speaks on her phone for a few minutes more then, hangs up and sets it inside her purse on the floor beside her. "Why exactly are you here?"

"To talk about the bold-faced lies you've been selling to young parents for the past year?" I ask tonelessly.

"I beg your pardon, my business is completely honest, in the best interest of the children." She tosses some of her red hair over her shoulder and settles into her seat once more. She has a sip of her tea and looks back at me with piercing brown eyes.

"The police have a name for you." I state making eye contact with her. My skin crawls but I don't change my look. "'Ma-femme', the 'Bernie Madoff' of tuition schemes."

"Fitting don't you think? Personally, I love their creativity. Couldn't have come up with a better name myself." She sits back in her chair with the defiant smile of an over confident child plaster on her face.

"Despite your shameless lack of common courtesy, I can't say that I don't like even-admire your technique. I'm impressed."

"Why thank you darling," She says with a sigh as she leans back into her chair. "It's hard work convincing these young imbecilic parents to take me up on my offers for the ghastly little off spring." Her face becomes one of disgust which causes her to clear her throat and have a sip of her drink before she clears her throat and looks back at me.

"You promise them their children will be strong in academia, music and sports prodigies if they are enrolled in the extensive programs provided by the schools you service."

"Go on," she replies in a satisfactory tone. She blinks slowly and sets her icy blues on me.

"You offer them grants and free loans if the decided to enroll on the spot." I open my eyes wide and lean forward. "You garnish your pockets and line your bank accounts with their hard earned money while they go broke from hidden fees."

"My, my someone's been doing his research."

"That's their problem, it wouldn't be if they weren't so desperate." She flicks a lock of her medium blonde hair off of her shoulder.

"I'm going to ask you a question, I want an answer," I demand.

"Of course, I adore twenty questions."

"Did you really think you could get away with this?"

"There's no way that I can't--dozens of parent have already invested and it's all non-refundable."

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