9. Select All

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Author's Note

There is a 360 degree video extra straight from Mr. Robot  linked above that I'm using as a reference in this chapter. It is best to watch these types of videos on your phone so that you can change focuses easily but you can also watch it on a computer or other device. I will be focusing on the last  4:30 minutes but feel free to watch the entire video and have your tissues ready, its gonna hurt. :) / :'( 

This is also going to be a short chapter since the video is alittle long. Sorry about that :(

*All rights to this video are reserved to Sam Esmail the creator of Mr. Robot.*

Excuse the language and thanks guys for all the support,



The music has stopped playing. On Maeve's beside table, next to her vinyl player sit my phone. The record that was sits stationary with tone resting near its center. The room is warm despite the opens window just a few feet to my left. Her apartment is filled with the daylight of high noon, rays of sunlight pour in from every availiable window and everything is just as we left last night. Her faux fur throw blanket lies in a pile on the love-seat and Beverly now sits on top of it cleaning herself. The mugs from last night's tea are still on the coffee table. Surprisingly, the entire area still smells somewhat of cinnamon and bacon from this morning and the dishes are still in the sink. I glance over at my phone with its lit blue screen. It vibrates again against the wooden side table and Maeve follows my line of sight then looks back into my eyes. She waits patiently, watching me intently, holding my hand firmly as she carefully strokes it's outside. My phone sounds again and she reaches for it and offers it, pushing it into my hand.

"Maybe you should answer it," she lets her eyes scan over my chest then our eyes meet. "It might be important." I take it from her and put it to my ear. She leaves my side and pads over to the kitchen where she begins preparing something. I come out from under the covers and sit with my feet on the floor facing one of the windows.


"I hear you're quite the hacker, Elliot." A warm articulate male voice says. He has a slight accent but I can't place it; maybe Eastern European.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"A fan, an admirer if you will."

"What are you talking about?"

"Of what you did of course. The way you and your team attacked E Corp, that was inspired! The major of the minor organizations that you've pull down by yourself--I've got to say, you've got quite the set of skills. You're not 'just a tech'," the voice says with amusement in it's tone.

"How do y--"

"Know so much about you?"

Its a good thing that she's over there, she'd worry if she were right here.

"I've been watching from the time the hack was launched. For a while I was worried you we're a one hit wonder but boy, did you prove me wrong." The voice on the other line chuckles. "I would like to make you a proposition."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to take care of something for me, its a small operation. With you skill it shouldn't take long. No more than a few weeks of well placed attacks. I wouldn't disturb your daily schedule much, you just would have to come work for me a couple of nights a week. You're girlfriend won't even notice the changes. But there's a catch."

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