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Milo's POV

When Joker knew I was lying and I tried to play it off. I felt like he was going to know who I was sooner or later but I was trying to keep the "innocent girl next store" act up because who knows what he would do if he found out who I was.

"I wasn't lying it really was a dare from my friend" I lied again I tried to keep a straight face while I said it but my face kept saying'hey I'm lying' I'm a terrible lier.

"Milo your doing it again" he smirked knowing I was lying again.

"Doing what?" I asked trying not to show I knew what he was talking about.

"Lying again" he chuckled how was he able to see right through my lies when I was telling them.

"Well we're going out soon I have a meeting to go to and your coming with so go get ready" he said as he ushered me in to my room to get changed. After look for what felt like forever I found some clothes that were cute. All I had to did was straighten my hair.

After I walked out the bathroom I went down stairs to wait for Joker

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After I walked out the bathroom I went down stairs to wait for Joker. 10 minutes later Joker came down stair asked if I was ready I nodded my head and we were off to the car.

Time skip~

We rolled up to a club where Joker was having his meeting. I loved clubs but I didn't like what would happen when I would party to hard. When I would party you meet sloppy Milo or you would meet crazy insane Lyssa and I think sloppy Milo was better then Lyssa because everyone dead and only one bullet that went through everyone's head.

We got out the car and headed towards the club and as we walking Joker laced his arm around my waist and pulled me close next to him.

"Name" a guard said at the door with a clipboard in his hands.

"Joker and Love" Joker spoke still holding me close.

The guard let use in and as we walked in all I could notice was the gold and white the whole club was covered in it. Me and Joker walked to a bar where a blonde bartender served Joker with a shot.

"Milo have a shot" Joker smirked trying to get me to party and not be so boring.

"And have you see sloppy me I think not" I smiled as I decline the offer. Soon after Joker walked to the VIP lounge to have his meeting. When he left the blonde bartender disappeared but it didn't matter to me because I was just take shot after shot. I was on my 5th shot when I got up and walked to the VIP lounge where I seen the blonde bartender sit next to Joker with her legs on him. As I saw blondie on over Joker I could feel me blood boil I tried to calm down but I couldn't so I sat down on the opposite side of Joker.

"Who is this one in the pink" I heard two face ask Joker with a cigar in his mouth.

"That one is Milo she is with me" I heard Joker tell two face. I was so mad that blondie would not get off Joker. I can admit it I was falling for Joker a sociopathic murder but I was just as crazy.

After Joker and two face were done having there meeting me and Joker and for some reason blondie to I couldn't take it anymore I stood in front of Joker and blondie I took Jokers gun out of his pocket and shot Blondie right though her head along with two other men that got caught in the bullets direction. Me and Joker ran out of the club to car.

"Can we stop by my old apartment really quick there is something I need to get" I said in a soft voice.

We rolled up to the build Joker stayed in the car as I ran in I went to my closet and grabbed my holographic hand gun I didn't want him to see it so I put it under my hat I was wearing to hide it in. I went back to the car where Joker looked at me like he didn't even know me.

The car ride to the hide out was silent. When we got in the hide out and upstairs in Jokers room Joker slammed me in the wall

"You have two minutes to tell me who you really are" I can tell Joker wasn't playing around I had to tell him who I was before he would do something to me. I could show him I was scared I show him weakness.

"I'm Milo Love I'm also Lyssa the goddess of insanity one bullet is all it takes for me to kill a group of people all through the head" I spoke in a strong voice to not make myself sound weak.

"Your Lyssa the goddess of insanity they say that you only need one bullet to kill a whole group of people" he said seriously while looking into my green eyes.

"Ya I don't know how you didn't notice that I  was h.." I was cut off when Joker wrapped his hand around my throat and was holding me up still against the wall.

"We've played your game now it is time we play one of mine you have to minutes  or I'm going to kill everyone on this  block" on his last word he let go of my throat.

I fell to the ground gasping for air but he's not going to get me to play in one of his games just like that.

"Kill'em I don't care I'm a cold blooded killer it wouldn't do anything." I said has I was still trying to get air and stand.

"Just get ready you have 2 minutes" I could tell he was frustrated when he said that and walked out. I can admit I did manipulate him a bit but it was only so he wouldn't find out who I as if it mattered anymore.

I went to closet to find something to wear for this 'Game' I was going to play while looking I saw a bag under Jokers bed I opened it and I had my Lyssa outfit in it the acid washed jeans and the black and white crazy shirt in it I dont know how it got here Joker probably brought it here before he knew I was her.

After me putting on the outfit I had found some shoes to wear. I settled on some plain black Adidas. I found a black laced masked that only covered around my eyes I didn't really wear a mask when I used to go out and be Lyssa.

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