Chapter 4. Six years later

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Harry was training in the garden with Erik,Raven,Pietro,Wanda and John he ducked under his fathers attack of metal objects flying at him he used that as an advantage to summon a shield with his magical ability while Raven was shooting at him with guns and trying to use her martial arts skill to break Harry's defenses harry takes the shield down to summon metal objects to send them at Wanda who was throwing hex spheres left and right at Harry who was successfully dodging or sending them back at her John charged at Harry making fire fly at him like crazy Harry being distracted by John while he was making giant serpents out of water attack the fire making it steam and evaporate Harry's left side was open making it easy for Pietro to tackle him at light speed and hold him to the ground.

Harry kicked his big brothers side with as much force as he could using his magic to put power into it sending Pietro flying into a mattress they placed down so that Harry could get used to using all of his powers.
Harry stood up and looked at his parents as an owl flew to his shoulder dropping a thick envelope into his hands he slowly opened the letter with trepidation and read it "I've been accepted to a magical school in England can I go?"
Erik and Raven look at each other and smile then look back at him as Erik says "yes hornet you can go try your best" Harry aka hornet looks at his father and grins "it says here I need to get things from a place called Diagon Alley instructions say to go to a pub called the leaky cauldron"  Raven smiles and hugs her son "we will go tomorrow sweetie" the night ends with cake and gifts given to Harry for turning eleven after he sent his reply back to Hogwarts.

The son of two mutants/Harry potter x-men crossover Where stories live. Discover now