Chapter 2 The Plane ride/going home

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The trio pull up to the airport Harry passed out in his car seat in the back and Erik got out and took care of their bags and the clothes that Harry had brought with him he grimaced at his sons clothing and handed a shirt to Raven who then wrapped it around Harry as a make shift blanket "we really need to get him some new clothes when we get home Erik" Erik looks at her and nods "I agree Raven" Raven looks down at her son again and gasps only for Erik to hear and he turns towards her "what's the matter is he hurt?" Raven shook her head and gestured to his hair that is now blue like Mystiques mutant form the two grin as they get on the plane and Raven places Harry in the middle of them and shakes his shoulder gently and he wakes up first unaware of where he was but then he looked at the two smiling faces of his parents and relaxed.
Erik looks at Harry with love only a father can give his son and looked around before pulling a metal ball out of his pocket "this was supposed to be yours on your fourth birthday better late then never eh?" Erik made a sudden movement with his index finger and made the small metal ball form into a metal bracelet Harry took it and looked at Erik "t-thank you dad" Erik smiled at his son and ruffled his hair affectionately Harry tensing at first from the touch but relaxing into it Raven then wrapped her arms around her son and kissed his cheek while he just relaxes in her embrace.
When the plane landed the trio grabbed their belongings and headed out of the plane Harty holding both of his parents hands when two people held up a sign that said Erik and Raven on it the trio walked to them Raven looked at the two and grinned "hello Anna John thanks for picking us up" the two mutants grinned at Harry who waved shyly Anna waved back to Harry a giant smile on her face while John bent down to Harry's level and grinned "hey kid wanna see something wicked?"
The other three adults just groaned but Harry looks at him "sure" John looks around making sure nobody was around then flicked his pinky and a little flame popped out then Harry shouted with glee "bloody hell" the five of them get to the car and go home when they stop the car they all hop out while Harry who had some help from Raven got out of his car seat and clung to her as Erik grabbed the bags the two parents looked at their son as he slowly fell asleep when they got inside the house and shared the same thought "welcome home my son" Raven brought Harry to the room they had made for him to stay in as she set the covers on him she saw him begin to shake along with some of the things in the room beginning to float she didn't know what to do so she cuddled Harry to calm him down as she did so Harry stopped shaking from his nightmare and the things were put down gently after they were floating for twenty minutes she decided to stay with him.
Erik walked into the room and smiled after checking on his beloved wife and long lost son he went to gather his other children.

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