The Correctors

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‘Tell me, what would ye have done if Mr Brade had been after the angel? Say you’d bumped into it. What would ye have done then?’

         ‘I’d of killed it,’ Harvey said through gritted teeth. Lee laughed callously, slapping the side of the table and shaking his head.

         ‘Aye, right. Ye an angel killer now? Ye should take up comedy, laddie, you’d be priceless.’ 

         ‘It took my mom. I’d do anything to get her back.’ There was steel in Harvey’s voice now, and the germ of a spark in his eyes.

         ‘You’d die if ye tried to fight an angel. It’d snap yer neck before ye could even blink. Anyone with half a brain would run a mile from an angel and not look back.’

         ‘Not me.’

         ‘So you’d die, then?’

         ‘I’d do anything,’ Harvey repeated.

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