You are not welcome...

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Lunch was ready, everything was in place, but the guest of honour was nowhere to be seen. Sarah started pacing again on the porch.

"Worrying won't make her come back earlier." Anna, always the wise one said.

"I just wish she had told me whos she was going to meet!" Sarah stated and sighed, "Who could she have met here? And when? She was a wolf for goodness' sake!"

Anna smiled gently but didn't answer to her friend's questions. Her answers and theories would make Sarah even more anxious. Anna knew what had happened on Christmas, everyone in the pack knew, but noone wanted to be the one to give Sarah the news. She had been through enough, no need to scratch those almost healed wounds.

Sarah turned once again to her friend and was ready to ask her what had brought that sceptic look on her face when Anna jumped up and ran off, on the same way that Lisa had taken this morning. Sarah turned and looked but could only be sure of Anna running towards a couple of people. Could it be that Lisa was finally returning? And if so, who was with her? A cold sweat ran down her spine as her mind revisited the memories of that morning's dream. 'Had Lisa met the black wolf last night? And if so, why would she bring him to their cabin?' She felt her knees weakening and sat on the chair a step behind her. She felt nauseus all of a sudden.

As they walked downhill Jake couldn't help but worry, what if it was his questioning that had brought the wolf so close to taking over? His wolf was relaxed, he felt almost human for the first time after the attack and he didn't want to let go of that feeling, not sooner than he had to. He kept glancing her way but her face was relaxed, as if nothing had happened. A second later he suspected why as a new scent reached his nostrils, a mixed scent of human and wolf. He raised his head and saw a girl running towards them. She was fast but not so fast that he wouldn't have seen her earlier so...  'You were too preocupied with what happened!'  his wolf murmured without even stirring. That was so unlike his other half that Jake had to stop for a heartbeat.

"Lisa! We were almost worried!" the girl said smiling as she reached them, "I guess we needn't be. Hello, i am Anna, Lisa's friend!" she took a few deep breaths giving him her hand to shake.

"Nice to meet you Anna, I'm Jake." he said and shook her hand.while he had to stop himself from continuing with what his wolf wanted to say,  'I'm Lisa's mate!' 

"Come on then, we have made lunch!" Anna stated and turned to run back to the cabin.

Lisa turned to him with a strained smile, "She's the 'nothing can go wrong' type, also her boyfriend is a wolf, he's my best friend in the pack." she said and he nodded not sue why she felt that she had to explain anything.

"Sarah is the quiet type. Don't take anything she says personally... she has, had some issues with another wolf. She doesn''t trust our kind... the males... too much." she finished and started walking again.

He was more intrigued than insulted when he introduced himself to Sarah, the distrust was rolling off her in waves. There was a touch of a scent on her, a marking gone terribly wrong. Where Anna's natural scent was interwined with her mate's creating a unique aroma, Sarah bore that other scent like a bad perfume that she washed off trying to erase it. He was curious but knew better than to ask anyone what happened. Not now, not yet.

"Nice to meet you too, Sarah. Lisa told me that you are the chef here. I hope we can share a few tips."he said trying to be civil and not to scare her. It didn't seem to work.

Sarah smiled at Lisa but couldn't make herself look at him. She knew that if he was the black wolf of her dream, her expression would show that she had seen him before. So she decided to remain calm by not speaking to him. It proved to be too hard though, he was too nice, up until he intorduced himself. 'Of all the names in the world!' she thought to herself, 'He had to be named like.... No! I will not think of him!' she ordered her self all the while keeping her arms crossed under her breasts.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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