The Moon Has Risen

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(Author's Note: This is the very first story I wrote on Werewolves so be kind. I have finished it in paper but still needs to be written on the PC... so if you read it, please leave a comment or/and a vote so that I will have to make an effort and type the rest of it here..... :) )

"No way! I am not going back in there! I've had enough and I am not taking it any more!" Sarah was furious and had every right to be. After all, watching one of your closest friends, in fact your very best friend, change into a wolf is not the best way to start your holidays in a camp ground this close to the woods. And that was exactly what had happened this evening. As soon as the Moon made her appearance in the sky Lisa had turned into a big gray wolf with amber eyes.

Sarah was the only other person in the room; she knew nothing about her friend's shape shifting abilities. The shocked scream, torn from her throat when she came out of the bathroom, was enough to summon their other friend; Anna was calm, maybe too calm, as if she expected the transformation. Sarah was out of the cabin in a matter of seconds and Anna had to at least try to calm her but Sarah would not hear of it. "How could she hide that from me? I thought we were friends! She could have told me what was happening to her! Why wouldn't she trust me?"

Her anger protected her to some extent from the tears that would soon make their appearance; Sarah hated to cry in front of others.

"She was afraid... I guess." Anna murmured, "She will explain everything, I am sure of it! But, Sarah, please come back in! We are not alone here you know! Come back in and try to relax. You know she would never do anything to harm you!"

But Anna would have done better if she hadn't spoken at all. Sara's anger was triggered by the last words, "I am not spending the night in the same room with a wolf!" she said, low enough so that the few people walking by the cabin would not hear her.

But Lisa did hear. She had heard her friends talking, she knew it was her fault and could do nothing about it. She would have liked to talk to Sarah herself but her current shape was not made for human speech. She had to wait. If only Sarah would let her explain... But she was not going to; her last words had proven that. She did not want to see Lisa again, and Lisa did the only thing she could think of, leaping out of the open window she ran to the woods.

She knew Sarah was right, she knew she should have talked to her from the beginning. Last semester was the start of this adventure and she had so many chances to tell the girls, to tell Sarah the truth.

But still she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was too worried about Sarah, Anna would probably understand, she would accept Lisa as she was. Sarah was another story.

She would make it hard, so very hard for Lisa to explain. 'Would she understand? Could she ever accept me?' these were the questions that Lisa could not answer, much as she would like to.

So she had decided not to tell them anything. And then this journey came up and Lisa could not say 'No'. She knew the night of the full moon would be their first night on the camping but she was hoping that on the way she would get the chance to tell them, to explain why she was so mysterious those past few months.

Things, of course, didn't go as she had hoped. On the drive here she found not one opportunity to tell them. Every time she tried to start that topic something would happen and she could not finish it.

And that was how she found herself in the woods on that night of the full moon. She ran for about a mile and sat behind a fallen trunk, trying to think, but nothing made sense in her confused mind. Maybe running would help.

Her thoughts were becoming a little more focused as her feet led her away from the populated camping to the more natural scenery of the forest. Sarah, her best friend from elementary school, wouldn't share the room. She couldn't stay near; she was better off in the forest. 'Here at least I can be who I am...' she thought feeling the cold spreading from her core to her muscles. She decided what she would do in a matter of seconds, usually she couldn't make so hard decisions in so little time, but this one was already there. She knew what she had to do. 'Stay in the forest till the week is over, then go back home. Sarah might be more forgiving then' she thought as her steps brought her closer to the river.

Though 'river' was not the word Lisa would have used to describe it... 'Stream' was too small and

'river' too big for the average body of water that was flowing from the mountains, not too far north

from where she was. She lay beside a small natural pond that was almost overflowing with water

lilies and felt her eyes closing, sleep was close and she needed to find a safer place to spend the


Less open, more secure...

About a mile down she found what she needed as the adrenaline left her muscles aching with the

stain of the run. She curled her aching self almost inside the hollow bark of an old tree and fell

asleep in a matter of minutes.

However, Lisa was not the only one in the forest that night. And Sarah would have felt

more surprised than frightened had she suspected what else lurked in the forest. Because,

while Sarah was making a scene and Lisa was leaving, another form was changing from

human to animal. Someone else had heard almost everything, had watched Lisa running

and was on her trail as she ran, trying to escape from her herself.


Unless I get a couple of comments this will be all.... or maybe I'll Upload a little more...So, what

say you? should I Upload?)

The Wolf at the Camping (Title Subject To Change)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα