His Cabin

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(A/N I know it's small but that's the last part that I have typed, the next part will take a while but I

promise to upload by next Monday. Hopefully I'll manage to upload once to twice a week on each

story. Oh, and sorry about the Spacing, transfering from Word is a not so good experience.)

'Well,' Jake thought, 'that was easy. She is just too good… will she come back?'

leading her back to the camping was the beginning of his little plan. If everything went,

as he wanted she would come to his cabin first, he would change back to human and

ask her to come back to him when she changed…

Would she come back? And what would he do when she did? Those thoughts kept

him quite oblivious to what happened on the way back, he knew all the trails in this

forest, and getting lost was not something to worry about. He could hear her trotting

behind him


A few minutes later he saw the cabins. They were quite apart but they were the only

ones on this side of the camping, pretty much isolated from the rest. It suited him; it had

helped him through the last year, even through the summer.

Being a lone wolf had its disadvantages, no one to protect you but your own self. No

one to talk to but humans who knew nothing about his second nature, the one that took

over more often than he would prefer. That had to be released when the moon was


And now she was here, another wolf, able to understand him. One that could join him

when running in the forest…

They were behind his cabin; the door was slightly ajar, just like he had left it. He went

in and she was a pace behind him, she waited in the front room while he went to his


The change back to human form was easier than the other way around, still it was

painful. At least he had developed an internal defence, a small room where he could go

and avoid the most of the pain.

Still he felt regret at what he had to give up. 'Step out of it! You have a guest!' he told himself as he was stepping in his jeans. His skin felt raw, to be fully dressed would be torment.

She was waiting where he had left her, "Well, little wolf, go and change. Can you be

back in an hour? I'd like to talk to you…" she wagged her tail and he nodded.

He unlocked the door and she left. Not running but fast enough. No one would like a

wolf wandering in the camping. They would kill it, in the very least.

People could become very creative if they had the chance and chasing werewolves

was one of their favourite occasions. He went back in when she was at her door. An

hour, enough time to have a shower and make breakfast. Barely enough time, he had

to hurry.

The Wolf at the Camping (Title Subject To Change)Where stories live. Discover now