Chapter 19

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•Chapter 19•

Throwing on a counterfeit smile, I waved weakly from the porch steps as Wayne's car slowly drove back into the night. Upon it's dismissal, I exhaled a drawn and heavy sigh. I was tired. I was tired of thinking to be honest. Wayne and Danny's situation confused me to the point that I no longer even had the urge to question Wayne further during the car ride back home, but instead stared forward through the glass windshield of the passenger's side.

Taking off the little red peacoat I'd worn for the night, I groggily trudged upstairs to my room. I rubbed my eyes as I yawned. I didn't bother flicking on the lights or even taking off my make up for that matter. I just wanted to sleep.

I quickly stripped myself of my dress and slid beneath the covers of my queen sized bed, slowly closing my eyes as lay in the plush mattress.

Was I foolish to have gotten myself in this mess? I feel like if anything I'm doing more harm than good. I don't want to hurt Wayne. I want him to be safe. I want to protect him. He's so fragile, I just wish he-

My eyes immediately flashed open as a sharp cracking noise interrupted my thoughts. I lay silent, letting my ears do more of the sensing rather than my eyes considering the only light available was the streetlamp outside.

Moments later, I heard the noise again which instantly made me feel uncomfortable. What the hell?

Pushing out of my bed covers, I swiftly snatched the thin white curtain of my window aside only to find none other than Danny Sommers crouching near the ground with a handful of sticks whilst also examing two large stones nearby. Enraged, I abruptly lifted the sill.

"Hey!" I angrily whispered/ yelled as he immediately jerked at the sound of my voice, dropping a few sticks. Turning to me, he smiled and waving from the ground he was standing on.

"Oh hey!" He replied back cheerily

I glared at him incredulously. Was he fucking serious?

"Danny, what the hell are you doing?!" I snapped, looking from the sticks and stones and then back at him.

He stared back at me before taking a moment to reply.

"Well, I don't really have your number and I needed to talk to you so this seemed the most suitable option." he replied, tossing another stick at my window. I dodged instinctively before looking back at him in disbelief.

"What the fuck was that for? You already have my attention!" I barked

"Oh. I was just making sure." he retorted, a cool smirk on his face before throwing another stick. Sadly, I was unable to respond as feasibly as before because the wood hit me dead on the nose.

I felt my fists ball in fury as I grit my teeth

"I'm about to fucking kill you." I snapped sharply

"How about you let me in instead?" he inquired innocently

"How about no." I shot back

He shrugged as I began closing the window only to watch him pick up a stone from the corner of my eye.

"Stop!" I shrieked as hushedly as I could, pulling the window back up "You're gonna put a hole in my window, you idiot! Are you crazy?!"

I watched as he looked back at me, the same typical Danny Sommers smirk playing at his lips as he examined the large stone.

"Yes." he replied, confirming his insanity while reeling his arm back in efforts to throw the oversized rock forward.

Instantly, I fled the area and ran downstairs, opening the door and running barefoot onto the front lawn, grabbing his hands as best as I could as he stared at me wide eyed.

"What are you doing?" He asked, my hands wrapped tightly around his wrist as we looked at each other.

"Preventing an asshole from wrecking my property." I spat, giving him a menacingly look as he stared down at me in humor.

I jumped to swat the rock from his hands, but he jerked away before I could reach it.

"Nice try, Hills." he chuckled

"Oh really?" I snapped, before going for it again, only to have him snatch the stone away before my eyes. He shook his head, his amusement growing by the second.

"I think the smartest decision would be to just let me in" he recommended, his laughter echoing throughout the neighborhood as he continued his mockery of me.

"You're actually such a douche bag. Really. I hope you know that." I finished, before walking inside

"I do" he chuckled as his footsteps followed.

I flicked on the lights this time as we entered my room. He grabbed one of the pillows I'd mistakenly left on the floor, using it as an invitation for him to sit on it. I frowned as I stood, placing both hands on my hips.

"What do you want, Sommers." I asked coldly as he chuckled again

"Nothin' really. Dad kicked me out for the night because I was 'rude' to the evil bitch the he married. Had no where else to go so I thought Why not visit my good ole friend, Jenny?" he grinned, laughing once more as he picked the remaining Fall leaves off his Gracefield Panthers sweatshirt.

"Ha. Thought wrong, Daddy's Boy." I snapped, walking to my bedside table and grabbing a bottled water as I glared at him.

His smirk faded a little as he looked down and nodded.

"Figured" he mumbled as I rolled my eyes and closed the window.

"Where's your car?'' I asked as I pulled the curtains

"Ran outta gas so I left it on the way over here." he murmured. I glared at him for a moment longer to see if this was some kind of useless joke, but surely enough, the smirk had disappeared. I nodded back before handing him a bottled water off the table. He too looked at me for a moment before outstretching his arm to receive it. However, upon gabbing the bottle, I noticed a long cut on the inside of his hand.

"You're bleeding." I stated as we both looked back at his palm

"Shit." he whispered "Probably from holding those sticks or that stupid fucking stone." he perceived

It was now my turn to laugh as I walked toward the bathroom. Taking two cotton swabs, I soaked them in both water and a bit of rubbing alcohol, then returned and knelt in front of him.

"Give me your hand." I demanded as he stared at me in confusion.

I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Just do it, Sommers." I smirked before he obeyed.

Taking the cotton ball, I dipped it in the alcohol again and began dabbing at the wound.

"Ow. What the fuck, Jenny. That shit burns!" he snapped, jerking his hand back, but my grasp held tight.

"Hold still, I'm trying to help you." I stated firmly yet gently. He winced a bit but relaxed his hand as I continued applying the diluted alcohol. I took the second cotton ball and pressed more on which only caused him to flinch more apparently.

I smiled.

He frowned.

"There." I finished, "All done." I took the cotton balls and threw them away as well as grabbed the plastic bottle of sanitizer.

"Something tells me you enjoyed that just a little too much." he countered.

I turned and smirked

"I have no clue what you're talking about." I piped, before heading back to the bathroom and returning with gauze and bandages.

For the second time I bent down in front of him, asking for his hand as I did so. He complied and I began bandaging it.

"I really hate that woman." Were the only words he said, referring to his step mother I suppose. I briefly looked up and made eye contact.

"At least you have one parent that actually cares, and not two frauds who could barely give a shit about their children." I replied before looking back down.

The rest of the time we stayed silent until I finally finished.

"Alright. There you go." I stated, patting his hand as I gazed up at him once more. "All better." I concluded

He glanced at me and then back at his palm before saying "Thanks."

I nodded, but didn't leave that spot. Instead I stayed; knelt in front of him as he sat leaning forward on the pillow. He looked to me and then to my body before speaking again.

"Not that I'm necessarily complaining Jenny, because trust me I'm really not," he paused "but I really think you should put some clothes on." He whispered, a fleeting half-smile on his face as I looked down and realized I was completely in my underwear.

"Oh!" I yelped before grabbing a t-shirt and some shorts from my drawers and throwing them on.

He laughed softly before scratching the back of his neck.


After putting on my clothes, I turned to a cupboard grabbing something as I looked back to face him. He stared at me confused as I tossed him an armful of blankets.

"I figured since you already shamefully made yourself comfortable with that pillow, you might as well use a couple blankets too." I stated, awkwardly trying my best to shoot him a somewhat friendly smile as he stared at me in both shock and disbelief, completely baffled by the simple idea that I was rightmindedly letting him sleep here.

He smiled lightly before uttering the careful question "Why?"

I looked at him for a moment, but simply could not answer. Turning away from him, I flipped the lightswitch and climbed into bed.


Author's Note: So, I'm not sure whether or not you guys are actually still liking this story since I didn't get to many comments this time around haha. So please, if you enjoyed it, found it interesting or unusual, or simply just have a creative opinion, please feel free to write it below! I read every last one of your comments and more than anything, those are the things that push me to continue. To be honest, I don't think I'd still be writing this if it wasn't for those of you who leave those amazing long responses on how the story made you feel. I want my writing to touch people so point blank, if you felt something COMMENT IT! I am so interested as to how you guys are feeling (I know not too many writers are but I am so whatever lol)

Please read all that and do it for me. Thank you so much :)


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