Chapter 3 - Tayloring

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Chapter 3 - Tayloring 

The full moon illuminated my path as I aimlessly walked home. I knew I could get there without really paying attention, so I let my mind wander. What would Ra have to tell me? Was my mother really alive? I so wanted to believe it was true. But if I let myself imagine a reunion with her only to find out later it was not possible... No, I wouldn't do that to myself. I wouldn't go there. 

I had racked up a list of 'sins' while vacationing on Earth if the truth be told. I had been pushing my luck, even for a vampire. That's why the text message from J didn't surprise me, not nearly as much as Blick's email did. My mother was alive? I had been an experiment? What did all of it mean? 

I had assumed I would get a scolding from J or have my weapons taken from me at some point. I had 'misplaced' the sawed-off shotgun and machete soon after Michael and Blick moved me into a lovely renovated Victorian Home near the bar in the Haight-Ashbury district. 

You're better than that, Rayea. Words from Blick's email filtered through my head again. You mean more to me than anyone else I know. He had signed it with 'All my love.' Maybe I was dense, but I had never thought of Blick with any romantic intentions. He probably just meant he loved me in a Platonic sort of way, like good friends. Wasn't that what he meant? 

"Only time will tell," the voice inside my head chimed in. "Don't you want some furry love?" 

"Shut up," I breathed. "That's enough from you for tonight." I paused, waiting for the light to change. Anytime after 9 pm the Haight-Ashbury district came to life. It was a busy tourist spot in San Francisco, so I turned down a quieter street to be alone with my thoughts. 

"Don't get defensive with me. If you love wolfie, cool. I won't tell anyone. Can we not worry about your overactive love life for once? I'm hungry!" 

"Tell me about it. Sorry friend. We're S.O.L. No blood tonight." 

It did make me wonder as I went over the email in my head again. Did relationships start out like what I had with Blick, or the way I pounced on the couch for a quickie with Michael when I had been ill, or how it had begun with Ashton only a few months ago? Star-struck puppy love in a bookstore? Good grief. My actions were all over the place, and my love life was a total mess. Two of the three guys in my life weren't speaking to me currently. Talk about the odds. 

And the guy I was meeting, when he found time to show up, was my ex-boyfriend. Imagine that. 


When I arrived at my home and deposited my backpack on the kitchen counter, I glanced at my phone. I hadn't heard Death's text message come in, probably because my mind was elsewhere. 

"Having issues. Will reschedule." 

"Home free indeed," I said and smiled at the glow of my iPhone screen. 

Suddenly, I noticed a movement across the room. The white sheer curtains blew slightly pass the person's legs. Readying for an attack, I widened my mouth, allowing my fangs to extend, falling just shy of my bottom lip, and braced myself for this intruder. 

The figure reached for the tall French door and shut it. His tall height reminded me of Michael and Blick's seven foot stature, but the stranger was shorter by a foot or so. "Rayea, is that you?" 

Even though I recognized it, the voice surprised me and made me jerk, but I recovered quickly and hid my fangs. As a sign of trust, I had given Ashton's the key to my house. It probably wasn't the best idea I had had, but I rarely said no to those laughing brown eyes of his. 

"Who's home free?" 

"Hey you, I didn't see you standing there. You scared me." Ignoring his question, I waltzed over to Ashton and gave him a hug. 

The Vampire from Hell (Part 3) - A Vampire on Vacation (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now