A Record of Lies

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Vent's fingers hovered over the computer keyboard, but didn't actually move. Rush watched him patiently, as the wolf-dog had decided that escorting Vent to the computer lab was more interesting than allowing Aile to train with the Biometals. The boy's first instinct was to search for Girouette. Looking down at Rush for some kind telepathic approval on this thought proved to be the cause of his hesitation. Another name floated around in Vent's mind, and that was the name his fingers autonomously typed into the database search.


Staring at the screen for a moment, feeling something close to dread for some reason, Vent opened that file.

GIVEN NAME: Juno Persica [Middle Name Undisclosed]

YEAR OF BIRTH/CREATION: 2159 [Aged 25 Years]


KNOWN ASSOCIATIONS: Giro Express [10 Years, Assistant to CEO], Sage Trinity [5 Years, Publicist], Giro Express [4 Years, Secondary Head/Assistant to CEO]


Vent stared at that word 'deceased' for the longest time, it almost felt like his brain had gone into a shut down. Dead? Juno was... dead? That couldn't have been possible. He had just seen her a little more than a week ago, right? Barely controlling his movements, Vent opened up the file that held the death record and read through it. He could hardly see any of the words, but he forced himself to read it.

RECORD OF TERMINATION: Originally believed to have gone missing June 22, 2184. Juno Persica intercepted Mission X on June 28 the same year, leading a small group of Mavericks to attack Giro Express. [An opposing Mechaniloid was sent to attack the Guardians, it is presumed that she was leading this as well.] Appearing to be under the influence of an external source, Persica fought for control but still attempted to harm Girouette, head of mentioned Giro Express, and was, as such, terminated. The body was still recoverable, but left behind in favor of aiding the Chosen One of Biometal Model X for later collection.


Underneath of him, Rush started to whine as if he could sense Vent's distress. The boy ignored the dog as he stared at the file like a statue frozen in place. The article didn't say who killed her, but only one person was left alone with Juno at that point, so that meant...

"Girouette encountered a new enemy while you two were separated... the event was very traumatizing for him..."


Vent hadn't been aware of it at first, but Aile had come into the room, pulled him up from the chair, and held him in a tight embrace. He wasn't even aware that he had been crying up to that point either. Faintly, Aile was telling him something soothing, even Rush was gently rubbing Vent's leg in sympathy. Model X was nearby, because Vent could feel its presence wrap him like it had done when they were Merged. Maybe Aile was wearing it and it transferred between the two of them or something. He didn't care, he didn't notice.

He just wanted his family back.

. . .

Area H. That's what Girouette used to tell him- that this was were he had found him. Lies. It had all been lies. He still wanted answers though. The only who could have possibly had them was that Maverick holding the Biometal. Aile didn't want Vent to go alone, and -yes- it was hypocritical that she was the one training and he was going at it without strategy, but he had to do this alone. Besides, didn't she want the tulpa fast and easy too?

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