Chapter 7

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Thank you everyone for the views, votes, and comments!!! I love it!
Any way on with the story.😄

Kanan's pov

By the time we were finished with the candy eating competition me and Ezra couldn't taste or even talk. When  we did talk our words were sloppy. It was so funny! Now here we were sitting in my room waiting for it to wear off. In the meantime we laughed at our voices, eventually it wore off though. "Wanna sing again?" I said with a much better voice. "Sure why not." I hooked it up and got it started. Who wants to go first? He just grabbed the mic and put on a song eagerly. I guess he wants to, which was surprising.

I smiled at his song and slightly hit his shoulder. "I'll always have your back. You know that right." He just gave me a half smile "Yeah, I just forget who I am to you sometimes." I my heart sank at the thought of him losing his way and going to the dark side. I won't let that happen. "Alright my turn." How about we try some fun party all night songs? Huh?" Ezra then went into a fit of laughter. "Okay, whatever." I put on my song of choice and started to try to rap but failed epically which only made him laugh harder. "Grandpa face it, you can't rap! Bahaha!" "Haha I get it." He stopped laughing and put on a song for himself to try. "Let me show you how to party old man." I just shook my head at his humor and then he started.

Once he was finished he turned to look at me and smiled. "And that is how it's done." I then got an idea. I reached into the box of fun aka the box Hera picked up for us, grabbed a tube of bubbles, and then blew them in his face. Some even got in his mouth which resulted in his scrunched up face of disgust. "What did you do that for, they may smell like strawberries but they sure don't taste like strawberries." I just laughed but I was stopped when I had bubbles blown in my face from Ezra. Apparently he had grabbed some out of the box too. Just great. A bubble war broke out that lasted for about 15 minutes. When it was over we were both drenched and sticky from the bubbles. "Bath time." Ezra immediately ran to the other side of the room and grabbed on to the bed. "No you can't make me!" He shouted. Looks like I'll have to do this the hard way. I filled up the tub, got out a towel, and then grabbed Ezra's PJs. Next I grabbed Ezra and threw him over my shoulder. "Put me down! Please I don't want a bath! Anything but that!" "To late, in you go." I sat him down and pushed him into the tub still clothed and all, his clothes needed to get washed anyway. I had to hold him down and pour a bucket of water over his head eventually he was cleaned up and started to shiver. I pulled him out and wrapped a towel around him and handed him his PJs. "You go ahead and change, I going to go get my stuff together. He shook his head yes and closed the door. He was soon ready and came out already for bed. "I'm going to jump in the shower, in the meantime you can do whatever you want but don't leave the room." Not like he couldn't anyway since it was locked from the outside. "Fine." I then took a shower and came out, expecting Ezra to be reading or drawing but instead found him asleep in bed shivering with no covers with a book in his hand. He must of fell asleep. I took the book out of his hand, pulled the blankets up around him, and then crawled in bed next to him. I turned to face him and stared at him running my fingers through his hair. I brought my hand down to he cheek and kept it there for a while. He didn't deserve any of his pain, not one bit of it. He's only a child. I brought my hand to myself and closed my eyes but was startled by frail shaking arms grabbing mine. I opened my eyes and felt Ezra bring his ear to my heart. I will help him get through this, no matter what.

So what did you guys think? Hope you liked it even though it was a little short. I'm thinking on writing a one shot with Ashoka and Rex playing holo chess. Should I?

Col out✌❤✌

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