School & Drama

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*Author's note at the end!*

I had a shocked expression on my face. "Yo, Amber, you ok?" Joey asked while waving his hand in front of my face. I shook my head and responded. " Y-yea, why wouldn't I be?" i said nervously. "You look like you just saw some one get killed." he chuckled. I slapped his arm playfully. 'Alright class, setle down..." Mr. Mars said. Every girl in the class was drooling. I chuckled at their reactions. I had to make sure I wasn't doing the same thing. Good, I wasn't. "Today-" He was cut off by the door opening. Maribella and Nate came in late... as usual. "Sorry we're late. We got caught up o-" she looked at the smokin' hot teacher. "Well, hello there. My names Maribella Bawl. And yours?" she asked. She popped her chest out while strechting her hand out to shake. "I'm Mr.Mars, your new mathe teacher. Now," he pushed her hand away. " Please take your seats." he said. She scoffed and went to her seat. Nate scowled at the taecher. Luckily, he didnt see it.

"Now as i was saying, today we will get to know each other by playing a game." he said. "We will be playing-... YOU TWO!" he said a little loud. "Come up here." he pointed at Maribella and Nate. They stood up and went to the front of the class. " Now, you two go stand in different corners. You two have time outs for the rest of the class period." the class bursted out laughing. Maribella and Nate scoffed and went to two different corners. "Now turn around," they both turned around. "Good, now stay like that" he said and chuckled. I like this new teacher. " Now, lets play paper basketball!" he said, with enthisusiasm. Me and the guys cheered. The girls just yawned. 'Everytime you say a fact about yourself, you shoot one. Whoever has the most points gets this trophey!" He pulled out a medium sized torphey. It looked amazing. We cheered. Including the girls. "And also gets out of 3 class periods with a friend!" he said. We cheered. "Alright, lets begin." he said. Let the games begin.

-2 class periods later-

"And the winner is..." we all drummed on our desks. " Amber!" I jumped up and fist pumped the air. Everyone clapped. I went up and claimed my prize. I grabbed, but our hands touched and i felt a spark. I looked at his brown eyes. He was not that tall, so i looked up an inch or two to look at those mezmorizing eyes. I looked away quickly. I looked down and blushed. He cleared his throat. "Alright, who is the person you are going to get of class for 3 periods tomorrow?" he asked. Easiest dision i made. "JOEY!" i said and he fist pumped the air. I walked back to my desk and put the trophey on my desk. "Alright then, Oh wait! Maribella, Nate?" Yus, he made them say their names, it was funny. They turned around. "You can go  back to your desks, but next time, no pda, ugh" he sounded like a little kid. The class laughed. The final bell rang. "Alright class, see you tomorrow, except Amber and Joey."  Me and Joey high fived. We left. "Amber, can you stay for a minute?" he asked. "Yea, sure." i was freaking out. "See ya tomorrow Amb." i waved Joey goodbye. I grabbed my books and torphey and went up to Mr. Mars' desk. "You wanted to speak with me." i said shyly. I looked down. "Yes, I wanted to know what was the 3rd class period you wanted to miss." he said. God, his voice was so deep and sexy. Wait, stop it amber! Bad Amber! he's your math teacher! "Um... Biology." i said, slowly. "Ok, you may go now. Bye Amber and nice to see you again." he smiled and i walked out, blushing. Oh my god, i cant believe he remebered that! Oh god! I was walking with my head down. Then i bumped into someone. "Watch where your going you slut." i recongized that annoying voice. "Sorry." i said looking up. 

"You know, your lucky that i feel like sparing you today or else i would've beaten the crap out of you." I looked at her with a 'Are you kidding me?' face. "You wouldn'e even do it because it'll risk you breaking a wittle nail." i said holding up my hand. She scowled at me. I rolled my eyes. I looked down at my watch. 4:30. Shit. I was suppoesed to be home 30 minutes ago! I looked up at the little snot bag. She snapped her fingures. What the? Next thing I knew, I was pushed up the lockers by two jocks. Then Andrew, Nate's best friend, started punching my guts. It hurt so much. I used all my force to kick him in the nuts. Luckily, I did. He bended down, whining. Then the two jocks holding me let me go and helped him up. Then one of them punched me straight face. i fell down. "If you mention this to Laura or my dad, your dead." she said and left, her little group following. I managed to get up once they left. I walked out of the parking lot, leaving my bike behind. I hated that bike anyways, Freddy gave it to me. I arrived home around 6 pm. I opened the door and was immediatly attacked with questions. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEE- OH MY GOD WHAT I HAPPENED!" my mom, Laura, came up to me and hugged me. I looked over at Maribella and gave a disproving look. "I got hurt, but it was on accident." I said. Luckily, she didnt question how. "Lets get you cleaned up." I went upstairs with my mom. 

Once i was all cleaned, i went downstairs, but only to be greeted by Freddy. "Hello Amber, how are you feeling?" he asked, not looking up from today's newspaper. "Hey there Freddy Couger." i said without a care. i usually call him that cause i know he hates it. "Amber! Be nice." my mom said. "Sor-ry" i said. "Now answer his question, politly." she said. He looked up from whatever he was reading. "Much better, sir" i said with a fake british accent. My mom scowled. "What's for dinner, mom?" i asked. "Pizza, we're ordering 'cause last time we cooked a pizza, it was a disaster." my mom looked ay Freddy. I chuckled. "K" i said and went to the living room. "Pizza will be here in 15 minutes." my mom called from the kitchen. I checked my facebook. Again, with more mean comments. Tears left my eyes. 

Ding Dong

I quickly wiped my tears away. Closed the app, turned off my phone. " I'll get it." i called back to my mom. " Hi there, how much will it be?" i asked the delivery boy. "$20.05" he said. i grabbed my wallet. I gave him a $50 dollor bill. Yes, my parents are the richest in Hawaii. Woopie (Note the sarcasm) "Keep the change." i said. He handed me the pizza and i closed the door. "Mom pizza's here!" I took it to the dining room. My mom came in the plates and Freddy right behing her with the napkins. "Lets hope ms. Amber didnt eat it all." Maribella said, smirking as she entered the room. "Freddy..." my mom said. "Maribella.." Freddy warned. "Sorry" she said. My mom opened the box. "OH MY GOD! MOM YOU GOT HAWAIN, MY FAVORITE!" I said to her. I hugged her. We finished dinner and i went up the stairs to my room. There are two stairs that lead up to the same floor. I took the left one. "Goodnight Mom!" i shouted. "Say goodnight to Freddy, Amber!" my mom shouted back. Ugh. "NIght Freddy Couger!" With that i ran to my room. We live in a mansion. First time i was here, i got lost. Im pretty used to this place now. I changed into my pj's and got into bell. Once my head touched the pillow, i instaly fell asleep. 

*Author's Note: Im soooooooo sorry for another late update! I have things to do and this book just slipped through my mind! But i promise to update more recent ok? Love all of you! Don't forget to follow me and vote for this book. Comment what you think but no rude comments ok? My mother always told me, if you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything at all! in this case, type it. haha well thats all... OH! And im making a name for all my followers. So yea ill put the name on the next chapter ok. Bye! <3

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