Hallway Love

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*Author's Note: I know i posted the chapter early, but i got nothing else to do since im krippled -_- Anyways here ya go chapter 1: Hallway Love!*

I was riding my bike to school. Yes, I do NOT have a car... which sucks big time. All the people I know have one. My parents are too stubborn to buy me one. Oh, right, my parents. My parents are divorced. My mom already remarried while my dad lives on his own. I kinda miss my dad. I was always daddy's little girl. I was an only child until my mom married Freddy and Freddy already had a daughter named Maribella. I hate her. I mean i literally H-A-T-E... HATE her. She's in my grade so, she always caused my trouble in school. She treats me like rubbish (garbage).  I was a loser my whole life, but i became a bigger loser then what I already waswhen me and my mom moved to Hawaii and I started attending Johnson High School. Anyways, I parked my bike on the rack and locked it. I flung my backpack over my shoulder and started walking towards the school. Once I was inside, I went to the office to get my schedule. " Hi, I came to get my schedule." I said. "What's your name sweetie?"  Mrs. Varges said without looking up. Mrs. Varges was an old woman .She was pretty for her age and she has the sweetest voice. But don't let her personality and charming eyes fool ya. She can be really mean if you get on her bad side. " Amber Angelica Chavez." I said.  Mrs. Varges is my neighbor and I see her almost everyday. " Oh, hello Amber. I already had your schedule out, so here you go."  she said. "Thankyou. Have a nice day Mrs.Varges!" I called out as I left. " You too, Amber!" she said as I left. The final bell rang and I rushed to class. As I rushed, I bumped into someone, making my glasses fly off my face. I couldn't see anything. The figure helped me up and handed me my glasses. I put them on and I saw the most gorgous guy ever! I'm talking about Brad Pitt gorgous! "I'm soooo sorry!" he said. His voice was soo hot. Wait, what? Ok? That was a little weird. I never thought about a guy like that. Strange... " It's cool..." i said. His expression screamed out ' OMG! I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!!!'. " Are you alright?" he said. " Yeah... Ima head to class now, bye!" I said. I needed to get out of there before I did something highly stupid. " Alright, goodbye." he said and walked off to the office. Wow. I hope he gets classes with me... WAIT! I didn't even get his name! Ugh! I mentally face palmed myself. I looked at my schedule.  I had biology first period, then english and then geography. Then I had luch/supervision for, like, an hour. And finally finish my day with two periods of Math. I sighed deeply as I approched the door to biology class. Here goes nothing...

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