Making friends

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So here I am with only a backpack full of cloths walking around the streets..

"Scuss Me. Do you know where Louis Tomlinson lives?" They look nice enough that ask.

"Oh babe, sorry we arent aloud to give that info away sorry! But would you like a photo with us and a autograph?" The brunette ask... WTF! Why do they want a photo with me?!?!? :O

"Ermm okay thankyou anyways... May I ask why would i want a photo and an autograph with two female strangers....?"

"ERRR.... You don't know who we are..... Eleanor Calder and Perrie Edwards?" The girl with purple hair says.

"Ummm Should I?" I am soooo confused..

"Are you a fan of One direction?" Should I lie or say the truth?

"Well i have heard only their music and i only know Louis Tomlinson because....Because he is my brother... We have i never meet before. But our father has like 5 days to live now." Darn now i am crying infront with them! And they are sooo perfect they could be models!

"Shhh its okay! Here we will take you to the lads place! I am Eleanor Calder Louis girlfriend and this is Perrie Edwards Zayn Maliks girlfriend his in the band to!" Said the Brunette

"Really? Oh and btw you both are really prettyy!"

"Haha yes really and Thankyou! You super Beautiful!" Says Perrie as we hope in their car on the way to Louis place.... hope this goes well.

" Thanksss but i am not really!"

"Oh stop being modest! Geez!" Says Eleanor.

"Well here we are at the lads place!" Says Perrie.

"Oh love, what your name haha... Forgot to ask.." said Eleanor.

"Ooooh! I'm Oliver Lee Tomlinson. But, you can call me Liv if you wanted.

Here we go...


Phewwww how is this story going?

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