Plan of Action

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"Can you do this?" Snow paced around Jefferson's living room with Charming beside her, like always. "Can you promise us that we will be safe? Because if you can't, then I can't allow my people to be subject to another Queen's magic." Snow was stern, but still gentle. She worried her people could be subject to another curse if brought back to their Enchanted Lands.

"We could just leave Rumple and Regina here, you know." Jefferson really wanted to leave those two trouble makers in this land without magic. He put his arm around Queenie's waist and tugged her closer to his body. They were sitting on the couch together while Grace watches baby Neal upstairs. Emma and Henry are sitting on the other couch across the room on the other side of the coffee table.

"We can't leave her, she has good in her! I believe in her." Henry protested. Jefferson rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Look, while I agree it's their fault we are all in this mess in the first place, my kid still wants to help her and I know Belle will want to help Rumple. If we leave them here while we return to our magical whatever, then we would be just as bad as they are by tearing them apart from their loved ones." Emma tries to talk some sense in the situation. Queenie listens intently, trying her best to please everyone.

"Well, Queenie? What do you think?" Jefferson turns to see Queenie lost in thought until he speaks to her, she blinks rapidly and shakes her head.

"Well, here's what I can promise ALL of you." Queenie stands and moves towards Snow, "I can promise you and your people will be safe. I have forced out dangerous creatures, there is no one who can currently threaten you in your homeland." She turns to Henry, "I'm going to bring Rumple and Regina back with us. But not in the Enchanted Lands." She turns to make eye contact with Emma.

"Where will they go, then?" Emma asked sternly. "What will you do with them?"

Queenie looked at Jefferson and walked to him and whispered in his ear. He immediately got up and retrieved the box...the box that held his Hat. He handed it to Queenie with a worried look in his eyes. She opened the box and took out the hat, "There is a place that the Hat takes you when you travel through it, known as the 'Portal of Doors.' It takes you to this room, and within the room there are many, many doors. Jefferson always picks the right one for his customer's journey. He knows each one inside and out." Queenie half smiles with some pride talking about her husband.

"So you're going to leave them there?" Charming questions, folding his arms.

"No, your highness." Queenie responds kindly, "I will take them to the Garden of Redemption." Jefferson raises his brows in astonishment, but sticks by his wife's decision.

"What the hell is that?" Emma is growing impatient, although she has been around this magical stuff for a while, she still has much to learn.

Jefferson speaks up, "It's a land that acts as a teaching ground or helping place, but it is also a prison." He notices Henry looking rather disturbed by the thought of another prison for his step-mother. "The prisoners of this land are unable to leave unless their hearts are worthy. And there can be no magic there."

"Yes, and the only one who can see the prisoner is the one who placed them there. But since I know you're going to want to visit her, I'll give you and Belle an enchantment to use and you can see them, but not free them." Queenie stands by Jefferson, holding his torn and tattered hat. "The land will show them and teach them how to redeem themselves and to become good. They will not leave unless they have truly changed and desire goodness over darkness." Queenie smiled reluctantly, knowing it's not exactly what Henry wanted to hear, but it's her duty to protect. "Henry, I know it seems unfair, but this is the only way to have them in our magical realm, but not a threat to anyone. It's my only offer for bringing them with us." Queenie placed her hand on Henry's head in comfort.

"Do people actually leave? Does this place even work?" Emma grows curious in the abilities, not trusting completely.

"Yes, many criminals have turned their lives around and become good from the Garden. It's honestly a great deal, you can have the good parts of both of them again, no Evil Queen and no Dark One." Jefferson softly speaks then turns to Queenie and kisses her head. "It's a good idea, and I'll be happy to take you there whenever you want." Jefferson joins Queenie with trying to comfort Henry.

"We will offer the same deal to Belle." Queenie smiled. "I can get started on the paintings tomorrow, and then we can head back. I'll send my people to Wonderland first, there are less of them and they are all going to the same place, its not spread out so far apart like the Enchanted Lands. Cheshire, Hunter, and Palace Master will watch over them for me."

"Very well, I hope everything works out well for your people, White Queen." Charming politely smiles and extends his hand to shake hers.

Snow smiles and does the same, "White Queen, I would like to invite you to visit the Enchanted Castle any time you wish, you are welcome, along with your precious family." Snow smiled at Jefferson and Queenie.

"Thank you, Queen Snow White, it is an honor." Jefferson smiles and bows his head displaying respect.

"Yes, thank you, Queen Snow." Queenie did the same. "And you must join us for tea at the White Palace in the Northern Kingdom of Wonderland."

"It would be a privilege, White Queen." Snow smiled and hugged her warmly. "I guess we will see you tomorrow! We will have the town meeting tomorrow morning and tell everyone about going home. Thank you so much!"

"Always! I will always help you." Queenie smiled and released Snow from the hug and Jefferson notified Grace to come downstairs and bring Neal.

"Be safe, see you tomorrow, your majesties." Jefferson waved as the royal family left his mansion. Grace was talking to Queenie about the plan to go home. "Grace, are you excited to go home?" Jefferson asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

"Oh yes, Papa! I'll be with you both, I couldn't ask for anything better. And we will all be safe, I know you can protect us all, Momma." Grace smiled at her mother, who lovingly smiled back and wrapped her arms around her most beloved daughter. "And you can protect Momma, Papa." Grace reached out for Jefferson to join them.

"I will protect my joys, which are the two of you. Just because I don't have magic, doesn't mean I won't do all I can to protect you, both of you." Jefferson hugs them tightly and kisses their heads. "My precious girls."

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