White Prison

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"Oh, Regina dearie!" Rumple appeared in the corridor with Queenie in a puff of black smoke. "I have a gift for you!" Queenie was tearing up as she followed Rumple reluctantly.

"What do you have for me, Dark One?" Regina sneered at him and then froze in her tracks upon seeing a brown haired woman wonder in her room with Rumple. "I don't need any more slaves."

"Oh no, dearie. Watch this!" Rumple yanked Queenie's arms to pull her over and pressed her heart into her chest. Her hair turned white and she had full power back. Queenie could have moved or used her magic to beat them, but since she couldn't see Jefferson or Grace again, she felt she had nothing to live for.

"It's her. The purest form of white magic to ever live." Regina circled Queenie. Rumple took her heart again, causing Queenie to drop to her knees. "Her hair!"

"Her heart is the magic. Without it, she's just a useless hack." Rumple squeezed her heart, and Queenie fell harder on the ground, gasping for air. When someone squeezes your heart, it's like being choked from the inside... You can't stop it.

"Perfect, I'll take that-" Rumple snatched the heart away from Regina.

"Uh uh uh, dearie!" Rumple snatched the heart out of Regina's grasp. "We wielders of dark magic cannot harness white magic unless we extract it from its life source. Meaning, the heart has to be in her." Rumple's beguiling and sly voice was creepily making the wheels turn in Regina's mind.

"So, let's do it then!"

"Why waste this much power now? When you're about to go to a place without magic." Rumple circled Regina with the heart in hand as he began unraveling his devilish idea. "The child of Snow White and Prince Charming will come to your nonmagical land, and with it, she will break the curse. Then you're stuck without any protection, magic." He then points to Queenie, with tears rolling down her face and her hair turned brown, she was helpless. "But if we keep her, then awaken her and extract her magic at the right time, we can still rule... we will have power." Rumple's eyes were black and soulless as he sneered at Queenie.

Regina looks down at Queenie, then back at her book of spells. "Let's put her under some sort of sleeping and preservation spell. Then we'll wake her when we need her." Regina opened the book and blew a small trailing cloud of black magic over Queenie. She immediately fell flat on the floor and fell into a deep sleep.

"How do you plan to wake her without her true love's kiss?"

Regina laughed, "This a preservation spell, not the sleeping curse. Besides, her true love will be there. I'll need his trust at some point while I'm there. So, I'll need to make up for what I did to him.". Regina looked over her curse that she was creating..."A lovely mansion, perhaps?"

Rumple hands her the heart. "Keep this one locked away, in a special place. Especially if you bring her family there." Rumple showed concern.

Regina cockily takes the heart and places it in a white and gold box. "Don't worry, she'll be locked away... Safe and sound.". Regina snaps her fingers and makes a glass coffin, similar to Snow White's. It is charmed with a preservation spell as well. Rumple picks Queenie's limp body up and lays her in the coffin.

"See you in Maine, dearie." Rumple waves his hands in a dramatic flair, and disappears.

From here, Regina finishes the curse that brings all of the people from the Enchanted Lands to Storybrooke. She brings Queenie, her heart and her vault with her. And for 28 years, time stood still. Regina was the mayor, Mr. Gold owned the town, and no one remembered a thing, except Regina, Rumple, and Jefferson.

For 28 years, Queenie remained undiscovered in Regina's vault. Then one night, a yellow bug rolls into town, and time begins in Storybrooke. A young blonde comes into the picture and brings hope.

About a year rolls by, a small boy named Henry desperately trying to get his real mother, Emma Swann to believe in the book. She is kidnapped by the Mad Hatter, he sees potential in her, he's the first other than Henry to believe in the book and in her abilities with magic and show her the truth.

The unthinkable happens, Emma decides to leave, but Henry triggers a chain reaction by eating a poison apple turnover given to Emma by Regina. Emma slays the dragon, and wakes Henry with true love's kiss.

The people remember, they find their loved ones and try to figure out how to get home. And one hatter, who was positively bonkers, could finally be with his Grace. And they lived out the next five years in the mansion happily.

In those next five years, the people of Storybrooke and Emma go on intriguing quests and accomplish the impossible, meeting some of the greatest characters from the story book of all time, and some of the most villainous characters as well. With hard times, Emma becomes the Dark One, and traded her internal white magic for the dark magic.

The beloved people of Storybrooke go through many changes and struggles, but they make it through. Emma finally redeems herself.

Regina and Rumple realize that they are running low on magic... They need to replenish their magic to gain control of Storybrooke once again. So, they turn to the plan the two of them hatched 34 years ago while still in the Enchanted Lands.

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