Love of the Mad

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"I did it..."  Queenie was sitting on the ground outside of the castle, looking up to see her work.  She looked at her hands, then looked all around at the Enchanted Lands, "I actually did it."  Queenie was gasping and smiling with happy disbelief that she truly rebuilt the castle and restored the Enchanted Lands to their former glory.  No more ravaged lands with dangerous creatures roaming around.  Queenie stood and watched as the river behind her flowed peacefully through the forest as it trickled over rocks scattering the river bed.   "So this is where they all came from."  She whispered to herself.  "I suppose I'd miss this too."  Queenie walked around in the forest for a few minutes, then gracefully waved her hand in the air in front of her to reveal a large canvas on an easel with jars of paints and brushes.  "Time to get everyone home."  She makes a small chair appear and then sits to begin her painting.

"She's been away for two days, Papa...what is she doing?"  Grace sets her back pack on the table and plops down as Jefferson makes her a sandwich.

"Your mother is rebuilding the Enchanted Lands, including the castle.  It will probably take a while.  Also, remember that time passes differently there."  Jefferson turns around and sees worry etched on Grace's face.  He himself has to conceal his fear so Grace doesn't become afraid.

"OK, Papa.  I bet she's making everything beautiful for everyone."  Grace smiles widely thinking of her kind mother's marvelous magic. 

Jefferson chuckles softly, "I bet she is too, Grace."  He hands his daughter the sandwich and kisses her head before going upstairs for the remainder of the afternoon, leaving Grace to do her homework.  He placed the large painting of the Enchanted Lands that Queenie used to get there in their bedroom and waited for her to come through.  He paced the room, sipping tea.  "Come on, Queenie."  Jefferson whispers softly, praying she is alright.

"All finished!"  Queenie puts her brushes and paints on the ground and enchants her portrait.  The painting glimmers and twinkles with magic, Queenie dives into the painting, leaving the restored Enchanted Lands behind.

Queenie came bursting through the painting and once again landing right on Jefferson.  He grunts in pain as he is completely pounded with his wife.  "Sweetheart, make sure you warn people about this before sending them through."  Queenie laughs and throws her arms around Jefferson which he responds by gripping her tightly.  "How did everything go, Queenie?"  He kissed her forehead and waited for her to respond.

"I did it, it's all been restored.  Everything is back to the way it was.  I can get everyone home now."  Queenie starts to get up, but Jefferson pulls her back into his arms and curls her on his lap.

"No, wait!"  He kisses her passionately, with some desperation.  "Stay, just for a day...just stay in my arms, Evangeline."  He whispers her name in her ear and kisses her from her cheek down her neck. 

Queenie smiles as she closes her eyes, enjoying her husband's affection.  She turns her head to face him and rests her forehead against his, "As you wish."  Jefferson smiles and crashes his lips against hers with a neediness unlike any other kiss in the past.  They end up lying on the ground, Queenie on top of him, kissing him sweetly. 

Jefferson stops and looks her over, "I don't remember this dress."  Jefferson runs his fingers up her back and intricately moves them to undo the ties holding the dress together in the back, while going back to kissing Queenie. 

Queenie pulls away for a moment, "It's new."  Then goes back to kissing him and Jefferson finally releases the last string and pulls the dress causing the back of the dress to separate, showing her bare back.  Jefferson sits up and still kissing Queenie, picks her up and rests her on the bed and then lays half on top and half next to her.

"It's not fit for a Queen..."  Jefferson kisses Queenie as he drags his hand over her back around her waist and up her stomach to the front of the dress covering her perky chest.   He leans in towards her ear and whispers, "I can fix that."  He gently tugs at the V in the dress that showed some cleavage; as he tugs the front of the dress down her body and off of her completely revealing Queenie, he tosses the dress off the bed to some corner of the room he knows not where.  Jefferson runs his hands all over his now nude wife and keeps his lips attached to hers with the desperation of never wanting to stop.  He kissed Queenie like it was going to be his last, he thirsted for her affection. 

Queenie begins smiling a playful Cheshire grin while Jefferson keeps kissing her, then upon noticing he cracks a small smile and stops.  Queenie looks down at herself then back at her fully clad husband, "This isn't fair."  Queenie smirks.

Jefferson raises his eyebrows and forms a very sly grin, "Oh yeah?  What are you going to do about it?"  He replies with sass.

Queenie runs her fingers up Jefferson's thighs and leans in closer to his face just enough to tease him.  He loses his breath as he is taken back by her seductive behavior, "I'm your Queen...I order you..."  Jefferson couldn't hold back, he practically throws himself into Queenie's arms.  He hasn't been with Queenie like this in ages, he loved her and wanted to show every way he could.  With her help, he quickly removes his clothes and joins her under the sheets.  They spend the next few hours enjoying some afternoon delight and stay in their room till around 5:00 pm.

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