Chapter 5... The accident

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Chapter 5... The accident

I opened the window and snuck in. I crawled as silently as I could torward David's bed. I was covered in mud, I had twigs and leaves stuck in my hair and my clothes, and I couldn't stop grinning like a madd man. The piece of paper, was clutched between ancy hands. "David," I whispered into his ear. David stirred and turned over. I pursed my lips. "Hey David!!!! Wake up!!!" David's eyes flew open "OH MY- Marsha? What the frog are you doing??!!!!" My hands shook from excitement. "David... I finally did it... I did it!!" David rubbed his eyes of the sleepies. "Marsha, before you go crazy on me. Tell me- did you know it's-" He looked over at the clock - "3:46 in the morning?" "uh- yeah." "Second of all- how did you get here? It's 3:46- who would drive you?" "No one- I walked." David looked wide awake. "Wait- what!? My house is like 4 miles from your place." "I know." David blinked and stared at me. "You... walked 4 miles... in the woods... at 3:46- no, 3:47 in the morning..." "Yep." "...Why?" "Because of this-" I uncrumpled the piece of paper. "It's the ultimet dare devil experience!! I had it in a dream. When I woke up I wrote it down as quickly as possible, and I was so excited I had to come and show you." David looked at my brilliant blueprints. "Marsha," started David. "It's just a ramp." I felt insulted. "Just a ramp!! Why this is designed to be the most dangerous stunt in all of creation!! You see, I'm going to put it at the base of that giant hill on that one street that I can't remember the name of at this moment- first I'll have to avoid the holes of death, then jump through the flaming hoop of death, then I would have built up enough momentum to go almost 90 degree angle that has this exact curve on it that will allow me to flip and land in the tub of ice cold water!!! It will be EPIC!!!" David yawned. "Marsha, you don't even know how to skateboard." "Yeah I do!! For your information- I once was going so fast down a hill I flew in the air and did a few flips too, then landed perfectly on my feet!!" "You flew in the air because and was hit my a car, And you landed on your legs all right- you landed them after crashing through a store window!! You broke a leg and both your arms remember!! You also had a lot of head trauma." I scratched my head trying to remember. "I don't remember that at all." David pointed at his head. "Head trauma." I swatted the thought away. "Whatever man, this is my destiny." "Stop being so stuperstious." "There's nothing wrong with accepting my fate- the fate of being a famous dare devil!!!" "I thought you wanted to be a wrestler?" "I do. This is how I'm going to save up for wrestle collage!!" "Marsha, there's no such thing as an entire college devoted to wrestling." "There will be in the future." David yawned. "Whatever man, I'm going to bed. Go home." David collapsed into his pillow. I grunted and headed torward the window. I opened it and was about to go out when I stopped and noticed something creepy. Like movement, and noises. Now that my excitement was gone I was starting to think straight and realize how scary it looked outside. 'Well, it doesn't matter!' I thought to myself. 'A little dark isn't going to scare me!' Then, out of nowhere, rain fell to the ground- hard. 'uh... a little rain won't scare me?' Then it thundered and lighting struck a tree a little ways away. I sighed. 4 miles, in the rain, in the thunder, in the lightning, alone, at 3:47- I mean 3:48 in the morning, alone to my thoughts of my creepy surroundings. No, not worth it. I walked torward David's bed. I shook his shoulder. "David, can I sleep here tonight." David murmered something about pies and turned in his sleep. I turned and closed the window. Then I opened his closet, grabbed a few pillows and blankets from David's bed into his closet. I closed the closet door, then curled up and went to sleep.

The closet opened up. There was some humming before a scream. My instincs kicked in and I woke up immeadiatly. David's mom took a deep breath and calmed down. "Marsha? What are you doing in David's closet?" "Uh- sleeping." "B-b-but...why?" I honestly couldn't think of anything. "Because I'm tired." She blinked at me. "Why are you in David's closet?" I looked behind her to see if I could see David anywhere but I couldn't. "Uh... well, to be honest, I snuck in last night-" "What?!" I couldn't help but feel terrifide of David's mom at the moment. Getting yelled at by your friend's parent is an extreemly ackward thing. "Um- I- I said I snuck in-" "Marsha, you know you're welcomed in this house any time but sneeking in the house in the night is something I feel I shouldn't have to even talk about with a mauture lady like you." "Yes ma'am." "So please next time schedual ahead of time if you would like to come over." "Yes ma'am." "Understand?" "Yes ma'am." I said ma'am the last time an octive higher than usaul. "Now Marsha... would you like some breakfast?" "Yes ma'am." "Well come down- I don't have anything fancy but some cearal or something. I think we have um some Cheeros and some Chex or something." "That'll be just fine man- I mean ma'am!" I fowlloed her down stairs to the kichen and found David eating a bowl of Rice Crispies. He stared at me for a moment. "Uh- Marsha? What are you doing here?" "Uhhh... I was sleeping in your closet." David stopped eating. I sat down at the counter."What!?" "You said it was ok!" "When was that!?" " your sleep." "But-" David's mom plopped bowl in front of me on the counter making a loud ringing noise. she then poured in milk and cearel. I wasn't really a fan of milk, but I ate the food, not wanting to be rude.

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