Chapter 2... The Award

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Chapter 2... The Award

I silently walked to David who was sitting at his desk waiting for Mrs. Hangers to arrive in the classroom. I had missed the bus this morning so I got here later than usual. I Stood and stared at him. With him sitting down at his desk it made him a little bit shorter than me whitch I alwaysed loved, but this morning I was too deep in thought to notice. "I had the weirdest dream last night..." I said softly. David looked up at me looking in pain. "Oh no, not again. Is this another Charlie dream? Becuase if it is I don't want to hear it." "No, this dream is different... It all started with Charlie-" "Oh boy, here we go again." "- He came to me and said he needed me to go on a quest with him... but then there was this giant VLT sandwitch-" "You mean BLT?" "No, I mean VLT. Veagan, lettuce, tomato, on whole weat bread." David Shivered. "You mean the type with the faken bacon?" I grinned evily at his misery. "Yes. And no fattening Mayo either." David winced. "Anyhow, as I was saying- And the sandwitch said he was the one who stole my scocth tape. So I charged after him and started beating him up-" "That's physically impossible-" "-BE QUIET DAVID!!! I can beat up sandwiches and you know it!!!" "Whatever man." "So yeah. I was beating up the giant sandwich and before the final epic blow he started saying stuff like- "you can never defeat me you stupid head. Mwah ha ha ha ha! You'll never accomplish anything in life!" And then I punched him and he exploded! And then I woke up." I let that settle in for a moment. "Dude," David said. "That's pretty heavy stuff there... To bad it's true." "What!?" David smirked, obviesly intagnising me. "Well, you have to admit you don't have very many acheivements in life. I mean, have you ever won an award?" I thought about that for a minute. I never really like trying to think back and remember things, it's always so sad and "soul searching" like. "I think..." I murmured. "I think, um... I think I won a paper plate award during a mock award cereamony..." "A what?" David put on a weird scrunched up confused face. "You know," I said. "One if those things where they give out fun awards that sort of make fun of you but in a light hearted joking way. I won the 'most annoying person anyone could ever meet' award." I laughed for minute thinking back before stopping. "Come to think of it," I said. "I don't remeber any of the other kids getting mean awards...?" David looked simpathetic. "Well, so do you remeber anyone telling you you did a good job?" This felt even harder to think about. "I think Charlie gave me a pat in the back once.." "Well of course Charlie did! I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be your long lost brother! I mean, like, an adult." "Uhhhhhhh..." I all of a sudden felt dizzy. I rubbed my head trying to focus. After a while of thinking David said- "Dude, that's just sad." "Shut up David!!!!" "Marsha, I mean that simpatheticaly." I swatted at him and turned away. "Whatever, I don't need your simpathy! I'll just have to get an award somehow..." I started thinking about all the ways to get an award when the loud speaker turned on. "Attention, attention. Can I have- eeeeeeiiiiirrrrytttrrr!!!!" An alful ring went through the loud speaker and everybody started screaming and covering there ears. "Dddddooooopoptttrrrriiii- the office. Repeat, Marsha Ranger, please come down to th office. That'll be all." Everyone in the classroom stared at me. It was silent. My mouth tasted like blood. I stood up and started to make my way to the office

When I walked in the receptionist smiled at me. "Ah, you mist be Marsha! She's waiting in back for you." She turned back to her work and pretended I didn't exsit. I walked past her desk and opened the door. When I walked through I saw our Princepal Mr. Krast talking to a lady in a formal suit. She had pretty blonde hair and warm Brown eyes. She looked down at me and said- "Are you lost little girl?" I immediately felt annoyed. "For your information lady, My names Marsha Rangers and I just got called back here! It better be for a food reason two! I'm a busy person!" The lady blinked and stared at me before smiling. "You're Marsha!? Wow, I pictured you being taller, sorry." She laughed. "For a minute I thought you were some students sibling or something!" I grunted, not ammused. I put my hands on my hips. "I'm not that short." I muttered. Mr. Krast looked down at me. Being really tall he had to REALLY look down at me. "This is Ms. Hitsen from channle four news. She came here to interview you about your big reward." I blinked, not sure if I was dreaming for a minute or not. "Award?" I said in a raspy voice. They looked at each other before looking down at me. "You mean they didn't tell you? You're getting an ackademics award for getting perfect grades in you're science tests almost all year! She'll be getting some footage rate now witch will be brodcast tonight." My brain froze. "Award," I said without thinking. "Um, yeah. You won an award. I just said that a few seconds ago." "Award..." They stared at me for a moment before the reporter lady clapped hr hands together and said- "alright little lady! Follow me!"

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