Chapter 3... The party

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Chapter 3... The party

David slammed his tray on the lunch table. "Whoa," I said as it came down with a thud. David looked at me excitedly. "Guess what?!" "Ummmm...your worst enemy suffered a horrible pain full death?" "No, my older weird teenage high school sister is throwing a HUGE party tonight while my parents are having date night! She says you and I could come!" I jumped out of my seat. "Oh my Gersh! ...why am I excited?" "Because we're going to have a bouncy house." "I'LL BE THERE!!!!"

That night, at David's house. David live in a really big house in the middle of the woods. Witch makes it a really nice place to have a party. No cranky neighbors? Lots of open space, good stuff. David's sister Hannah had picked David and I up from school. It took us a while to get there sense they live way out there. I couldn't stop thinking about how awesome it would be. From the trunk of the car I could smell a vary of foods a delights. Hannah didn't talk to us much because she was on her phone the whole time, so me and David had to talk quietly the whole time. "Dude," David said. "I bet I'm going eat way more pizza than you." I shook my head to the challenge. "No way man, who needs pizza when you got peaches!" "Dude, seiresly, peaches over pizza?" "Yeah, peaches taste good and are much healthier for you. And I'm not taking about that grossed canned stuff- I'm talking top of the line organic pesticide free GMO free organic peaches- yum!" David rolled his eyes. "You have no good taste in food." "No- you don't have good taste in food!" "No you don't!" "No you don't!" Hannah turned around from the front seat. "Guys, I'm on the phone. Bring the volume down another notch." She turned back to her conversation. All I could pay was pay attention to afterward was her. The things she said were just so weird without hearing the other persons reply. She said- "she said that I said that Gabe said that Owen said thy you said that Tina said that you said that I said that Sally said that you said you didn't know... Well that's what tomatoes do when you sit on them, Joslin... Yeah I know it's so pethatic!... 02347658- or something like that... Well the movie was good and all I just like the remake better... No, she said that you said that Kyle said that Taylor said that May said she wanted to..." Finally we turned onto a dirt road through the woods. It actually was their driveway though it looked like a road because of how long it is.

When we got up to the house going up all the steps on the porch Hannah turned around. "Ok guys, we have about a half an hour before some people arrive so I need your help setting up the party. I already have the house clean and stuff I just need to adjust a few things, David I need you to get the food ready and on the counter, Marsha I need you to find all the radios and TVs you can and do something with them- go!" We all scurried into the house. I opened the movie cubbort. 'Ok,' I thought to myself. 'What do a bunch of young adults want to watch at a weird teenage party thing?' I glanced around and grabbed a fwe movies. 'Lord of the rings, Irobot, Into the darkness- great!' I inserted them into the Tv's and put pandora on the computers. Ok, my part is done. So was everybody elses- now all we to do is wait for the guests to arrive.

This is it- the big party.

It didn't take very long actually. People got here and partied like crazy. As soon as the teenagers met me they all seemed to like me. I thought they were pretty cool too. I spent some time in the pool for a while. Then I partied to some music inside. after waatching a bit of into the darkness I looked outside and saw the skies were darkening quick. Hannah came to me and said- "Hey Marsha, want to get a insiders dose of a intence game of truth or dare?" I jumped up from my seat. "Bring it on," I said. I fowllowed Hannah upstairs to a small corridor where a bunch of kids sat down in a circle talking. I sat next to David. Hannah locked the door. It was one of those locks where it locks from the inside so people from the outside couldn't get in, but people inside could get out. I always wondered how that worked. Hannah sat down across from me in the circle. "Ok guys, let's begin.' she turned to a guy I didn't know. "Phill, truth or dare?" Phill thought for a moment. "Dare," he decided. Hannah's eyes glistened evily. "I dare you to lick David." David looked shocked for a moment. "Wait-what?" Phill got up and tan torward David. Before David could do anything he was pinned down to the floor and given a nice sloppy lick. "Ah, sick!!" David screeched wiping his cheek. Everybody laughed. Phill turned to me. "Marsha, truth or dare?" I smirked. "Truth." "Which do you love more- your mother or your father?" I felt my smile fade away. "Uhhhhh..." Everybody stared at me wondering why I wasn't answering the question. "Phill, this is kind of an uncoufertable question. Why don't you ask her another one?" David said, knowing not everything- but enough to know I didn't want to talk about it. Phill looked repulsed. "What- no! If I had to lick you she has to answer this question. He looked back torward me. "Come on Marsha we hadn't got all night." My head started acheing really bad and I felt a bit nausea. I was about to lie when I heard something, whispering, from the back of the room. That was my Que to leave. "Ah, man!" I said clenching my stomach. "I ate to much peach mango ice cream!!" I got up and ran out if the room. I didn't run to the bathroom though. My sprint turned to a walk and I strolled over to the deck. It was the second story deck so I was up and level with a fwe small trees. I just leaned over the rail and stared into the darkness. The air smelled like rain, a fresh smell that I love. Even though it didn't rain, and it wasn't all that peaceful because of all the people outside lighting firecrackers and making out. But if I were to ignore all that it would be peaceful, so I did. "You ok, Marsha?" I looked down from the egde of the balcony, senceing that David had came out and was standing next to me. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said quietly, trying not to disturb the peace of night. "I'm going to head back and play the game some more, you don't have to," David said. "Ok, I think I might stay out here for awhile." David walked out from the balcony. I sat down on the ground, my legs hanging over the egde in between the railing. I stayed there for a while.

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